Tuesday, June 2, 2009

if I had only known - they watched so I didn't have to

We Watched So You Didn't Have To: Speidi, Patti Blagojevich and the 'I'm A Celebrity' Crew. Why didn't someone tell me this? I could have back the 45 minutes of my life that I wasted on this drivel. No, wait, drivel rates it too high.

This has to be one of the worst celebrity reality shows. Please, please, please bring back The Mole. Or better yet...put up a test pattern. Yeah! That's it, put up a test pattern. NBC might even get more viewers if they put up a test pattern.

It was one thing to have to watch faux celebrities eating faux insects (come on, if you watched it do you really believe that was a tarantula that Patti Blagojevich 'tried' to eat?), but it was quite another to see Spencer in faux concern over Patti Blagojevich's predicament. Then his wife Heidi went so far as to pray for Patti, her husband and family. (Note that I didn't put 'faux pray' because I choose not to offend anyone's sensibilities.)

There was even a faux alliance at the end with that drag queen, no wait, I'm sorry, Janice Dickenson, offering to end the faux grueling 'arms above your head competition' with Lou (he must really need the money, must be precious stone, formerly) Diamond Phillips. (Who thinks up these competitions anyway?)

There was faux flyin' all over the place. What is this "Frangela"? If Anastasia was home when this was on she would tell me to stop thinking they were a lesbian couple. Are they? I'm telling you people, when they come out, remember you heard it here first.

Patti was even faux swept away during a no doubt faux river crossing.

Did you watch "I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here"? Come on, you can tell Lola...

That's it, I'm gettin' the faux outta here.

Leave your comments peeps, let me know what you thought of the show. Real tarantula or faux? I say faux.

What competition would you like to see on the show?

June Top Commenter Contest has already begun.

Just like voting in Chicago, Comment early and Comment often.

Lola's Diner


  1. Hi I found your blog through http://iamharriet.blogspot.com/ and have joined the comments linkie, so just dropping by and saying a quick hello to those listed. My blog addy is http://shabbypinkscrapper.typepad.com. Hope to chat again soon.


  2. grins.. ok I will admit to considering watching it.. but frankly I have had enough with celebrity! Give me talent anytime..

    and when did Mrs Blago become a celebrity.. isn't she like the wife of a petty criminal or something?

  3. Reality TV holds zero interest for me. You're not giving me anything that's likely to change my mind.

  4. I can't believe you watched that....guess the Cubs were off and there was nothing else on TV.

  5. Okay..that does it...

    This is Comment War LOLA!

  6. okay so i was stuck watching this too...i can't believe i did it. i had a million other things i could be watching but my son is still up at that hour. besides all the "faux"....do i live under a rock, i have no freaking clue who that jackass spencer is and he had the nerve to say he had to google some of the people he was on the island with....does he think he is a household name....what a jerk

  7. what are you talking about. every reality tv show is the worst tv show. ;)

  8. @ nbeltane - Welcome! Stop by any time!

    @ Shauni - These people are barely even faux celebrities.

    @ Stephanie B - I can't stand reality tv. There was nothing else on. I don't have cable/satellite tv.

    @ I am Harriet - No Cubs game. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

    @ I am Harriet - Ha ha ha ha haah!

    @ Dina - Apparently Spencer & Heidi are married or faux married (not sure) and are people/characters on the show "The Hill". I've never seen it and now I'm positive I don't want to see it.

  9. What the . . .? This is copyright infringement! How dare they use my tagline? Still, I'm quite grateful they watched it so I didn't have to.

    No, you were right the first time: Janice Dickinson IS a drag queen.

    I admit: reality shows are a guilty pleasure, but I won't stoop to this one. Patti Blago??? WHAT THE. . .???

  10. @ JD - I know, how dare they! Janice Dickinson is S C A R Y! Whatever possesses someone to do that to their face?

  11. Yeah I'll admit it, I watched it. I could not stand the couple( who I have no idea who they are?)fighting and walking out. So. i channeled surfed,LOL. going between three shows. Will not watch the Celebrities one again. Back to Bones!

  12. I can't believe anyone would watch such drivel. Really, Lola! You should have spent your time watching more uplifting and enlightening reality TV last night like I did--The Bachelorette! :)

  13. hahah, I did watch...and set the dvr to record the rest...it's like a train wreck I have to see.

  14. Stopping by from Harriet's to say hi! Checking on all who is doing the comment challenge.

  15. Thank GOD for graduation and I wasn't even tempted to tune in. I know I would have just to see how insipid that show is.

    I'm with Shauni--why is Blago's wife on there? She's not a celebrity or a politician or anything but an opportunist.

    I'm glad I missed it.

  16. It was bad... I was too lazy to get up and find the remote... but it was really bad. Never again.

  17. No, I did not watch the show but I did join the June Challenge and stopping by to say hi.

  18. I did not watch but read about it, Pfft whatever. I think Frangela are mother and daughter no? If they were lesbians to boot that might be a little much for primetime. Taking parenting to a whole new level. I've been catching episodes of Dean and Tori New. Just shaking my head.

  19. I saw the commercials and I was appalled what in the heck or who in the heck is watching that stuff. It's gross and I thought about your question as to what reality show thing would I want and I decided none life is tough enough to live I'll just watch fantasy and you know what answering your question gave me an idea for a new post on my blog grammology.

    Life or reality thanks..I'll be back..

    Dorothy from grammology

  20. I did not watch it, because thankfully, we don't have cable. My husband did however talk me into watching Speidi's rap video on youtube. Horrid!
