Friday, July 3, 2009

art is everywhere - think outside the canvas

Yes, these are ordinary styro-foam coffee cups. I found these on Flickr.

Aren't they fun pieces of art?

Most of the 161 pieces of art shown on Boey's Flickr page are for sale. (Some have already been sold.) Prices range from $120-$300 and include a display case. The display case measures approximately 4"x4"x 5".

This is what the art looks like in the display case. From the artist's notes on Boy Obsolete's Flickr Page, "They come in a case, with a hand cut name tag and cork base. Oh yes, because I am still very 1985."

More from the artist, Boy Obsolete:
"Drawing on cups is a challenge. Unlike a flat canvas, you have to consider compositions from all around. Which is what I spend most of my time doing off the top of my head.

I don't do initial drafts on the cup. I do that on paper, but even that is rare, most of the time it's a straight shot. Part of the fun is not messing up...and that can happen anytime...sometimes, 95% into the work.

How do I mess up? It's styro-foam, it charges up easy. Lint can stick to it, so can tiny hairs. When it gets caught on my sharpie, and I am not aware of it, a fine point can suddenly become a broad stroke.

If I mess up, I drink out of it."
You can't say that about paper, or canvas, can you?

I really think this is an awesome change of pace for art. Don't you?

To view all of the styro-foam art click Boy Obsolete's Flickr Page.

Lola's Diner


  1. Yeah, no. Veronica Lee is always posting artists who work on strange mediums, and I'm always amazed at what inspires folks. But, I don't see myself owning a Styrofoam cup in a display case for $150.

  2. I too love unusual artists and art forms. Have you ever checked out "Of Mice and Ramen" ( This site regularly features strange and unusual artists and art.

  3. That's pretty cool indeed.

    I wish I could draw, but I certainly wasn't gifted in that arena. My stick figures suck.

  4. Wow! Those are really cool! My daughter does similar work with styrofoam cups when she is bored at get togethers. She usually just hands 'em to someone who shows an interest and forgets about'em. I must share this with her!

    Have a safe and happy Fourth of July! HAPPY BIRTHDAY USA!

  5. Those are so cool, I love when people turn everyday things into pieces of art:)
