Monday, February 15, 2010

The Invention of Lying - Review

Saturday night was movie night at our house because as a family, we are not really fans of the Olympics. Anastasia and I did catch some late night Olympic coverage. We watched the "Women's Downhill Skiing Over Bumps And Doing Jumps" (we have no idea what the official name was, every time I asked if Anastasia caught what it was called, that's what she told me it was) and the beginning of the Men's Luge.

Back to the movie, The Invention of Lying (2009), not really a family movie. Anastasia and I cringed at the beginning of the movie where there were a bit too many sexual references than we were comfortable having our kids watch. When Ricky Gervais' character Mark goes on a first date with the out of his league, Anna (Jennifer Garner), she opens the door and announces, “I was just masturbating.” To which he replies, “That makes me think of your vagina.” This,then makes her run upstairs and finish what she started. However, the theme of the movie was worthwhile even to cringe and let it pass. Anastasia and I loved the truthful name for places, like the nursing home where the main character's mother lives, “A Sad Place for Hopeless Old People.” We found ourselves laughing, wincing and even had tears running down our cheeks a few times.

Ricky Gervais plays Mark Bellison, who is "A bit fat and has a funny little snub nose" and has less than perfect 'genetic material'. We know this because it is repeated numerous times throughout the film. Mark’s life changes when he learns to lie. His life gets better and he brings hope to those who have none. Each person he meets he strives to help better their lives, a homeless man, a bickering couple at an outdoor cafe, the suicidal guy who lives in his apartment building. He learns to lie to his advantage and shares his good fortune and his life becomes brighter.

If you've seen the movie...remember just after Mark reads before the throngs of people outside his apartment and he takes the elevator back up to his apartment? Right then the electricity went out at our house (our entire block). Anastasia and I looked at each other and shared a freaked out glance.

I would definitely recommend this movie. Anastasia and I adore Ricky Gervais movies. Not too long ago we rented For Your Consideration (2006).

Lola's Diner Disclaimer: I rented this movie. This review is 100% my opinion and has not been edited or reviewed by anyone. I was not compensated in any way for this review. I just did it for snicks and grins.

Lola's Diner


  1. Lola, we also love Ricky and watched The Invention..last week-very entertaining, full of messages and laughs.
    This weekend we watched "The Serious Man", did not know it was a Coen Brothers film until it was done. This is a must-see film! Everything bad that can happen does do this poor schmuck, and yet we had to laugh. The beginning is so unreal, we should have know then that it was a Coen film. Hope you get to watch it.

    And we saw Valentine's Day yesterday, not just a mushy film, we liked it for what it is-an ensemble cast with nice little stories to make you feel good when you left. Some movies should be just that I think.
    I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for your dedication.

  2. Hey Lola hope you had a great Valentine's Day.

    I was going to watch that movie but, never got around to it. Thanks for the review.

  3. I really want to see this and couldn't find anyone who would see it with me! I may have to Redbox it and check it out. Thanks for the review!

  4. I kinda want to see this movie, it looked like an interesting premise. I'll probably see it like all my movies which is too late and on cable.

  5. Joe is stealth watching the Olympics--I caught him this weekend. LOL on the "bumps and jumps"!

  6. don't you hate to write those disclaimers? Not to keen on the language in the movies. I wish PG13 would go back to no language. It just seems to be get worst and I would want my teen viewing it. I went to see Valentine's Day and the sex talk was bad all the way through it.

  7. @ Sally - I went to add Serious Man into my Blockbuster queue and it was already there! I moved it up my list. Thanks for the tip!

    @ JB - Oh you must rent it. Our son liked it so much we watched it again Sunday night!

    @ Stacey - Get your hubs to watch it with you. Ricky Gervais is funny as hell!

    @ Jen - Never too late to enjoy a good movie.

    @ Lin - I hate the ice skating too. I'm looking forward to Men's Luge tonight. You'll have to let me know when Curling is on because I'm ALWAYS up late anyway.

    @ Auntie E - I almost didn't put the disclaimer, but then I thought, technically I should, so there it is. Even though that bit at the beginning made me squirm, that was it. It was so nice to watch a movie that didn't have all that gratuitous sex. (Gratuitous straight sex, arghhh!)
