Monday, December 6, 2010

November Top Comment Winners and a return to Entrecard

November's Winners:
1st Place - 3 Week Ad

2nd Place - 2 Week Ad

3rd Place - 1 Week Ad
1st Place

Duck and Wheel with String
2nd Place

3rd Place

Remember to comment early and often and perhaps you can be in the top 3 and get a FREE ad on Lola's Diner.

If you're an observant reader, you've noticed I've returned to Entrecard. I couldn't stand the loss of traffic. I tried, believe me I tried to stay away. So if you're on Entrecard, be sure to advertise on my blog. If you don't know what Entrecard is, it is a great, FREE way to get more traffic/readers to your blog.

Simply click on Entrecard (so I get referral credit) and sign up.

Lola's Diner ©2008-2010

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