Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Car repair is never ending

I bid farewell to the rental Cadillac. Pulled into the Enterprise lot. One last check of the back seat...still no baby.

Original diagnosis, passenger front sway bar had to be replaced. Oil change. Not too bad $. Spouse picked it up and me. Said something not right, still bad noise. So I drove it home. AWFUL noise. Dropped us at home and took it back and took the mechanic for a ride. Of course no noise! But she kept driving until it made noise. Diagnosis? Rear brakes AND rotors. And we still have power steering issues, either the hoses or the pump. Spouse wants to wait on the power steering. Nope. In my experience, Murphy’s law has always ruled. If the pump goes completely it could cause other problems. May have to split the repairs over Thursday and Friday because I have an appointment to get the results on my shoulders.

One silver lining? No payments on the Pilot! So I shouldn’t really complain, but all these repairs at once really hurts.

What hurts more, though, is to make the payment on the Odyssey every month when it has sat in the driveway for close to a year. 

                                               Lola's Diner ©2008-2018

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