Friday, December 28, 2018

Cheaters will get theirs! Karma!

My daughter did not win the Ugly Shirt Contest at work. She was not even given a fair shot. There was a “ballot box” for people to enter their votes. My daughter saw a woman, stuffing the ballot box with her own name. My daughter complained to a manager who did nothing. Surprise! The ballot stuffer won first place. All I have to say is:
Karma is a beyotch! 
Some supposed adults lead a great example, don’t they?

I know I made the Ugly Shirt, but my daughter had the guts to wear it. 

I get angry when my daughter is ALWAYS complaining about stuff that goes on at her house and day program. She’s constantly saying “but it’s not fair”.  
Well this is really NOT FAIR! 
It’s not that I necessarily think she should have one first place. I do think she was in the top 3. But when you cheat to win, you’re an a$$hat!

In other news, to our surprise, my daughter did get a lock on her bedroom door at her group home. Truly, they could have saved the money and kicked out the trouble maker, but for some reason she’s like Teflon, nothing sticks. At least my daughter won’t have to worry about the housemate bursting into her room unannounced and without permission when my daughter is in various states of undress. And my daughter won’t have to worry about her housemate bursting into her room at 3am screaming like a banshee. 

At least my daughter will feel safer. 

I do have to laugh though. I have been to her house twice this week. The first time the troublemaker sat across from me at the table (I didn’t recognize her, she gained a lot of weight.) she never said a word to my daughter, but kept whispering to staff who waived her away. 

Lola’s Diner cc. 2008-2018


  1. I think you have to disconnect from stuff like that for your daughter to navigate on her own. I learned that when mine was in middle school. There are cheaters and scammers everywhere and we have to teach them how to deal with it...and not expect to beat it. Address what you know is possible to happen (somebody's gonna stuff the box...and win)...ask her if she still wants to make a shirt to wear, regardless...and IF she even wants to participate in the contest portion.

    I think you have to help her navigate acknowledging that she is right--it isn't fair...but it is going to happen in that environment. She may surprise you in how she deals with it.

    I think I would only intervene when it is a safety issue. BUT....I absolutely do not know what you are going through, so you can tell me to stuff it. Hahaha!

    Just trying to support you guys!

  2. I wouldn’t say anything at her work. She spoke up for herself, didn’t get the response she expected...that’s life, everything is not fair and when things like that happen, you either don’t report it in the first place, or drop it, if who you report it to does nothing. In this situation I personally would not have reported the cheater. Sometimes it doesn’t end well when that is done. And I explained all of that to my daughter. This “not fair” thing is her reason for everything. She’s not going to do this or that because “it’s not fair”. At home, we’re always “not being fair” about who does dishes, how many dishes, pots and pans, silverware each of them does. I’m not kidding. It’s maddening. The housemate things are safety/verbal abuse/making threats issues and we’ve had several meetings with people at all different levels. This housemate is on her last house. She has lived at every women’s home in the service area. She has been transferred from home to home because of threats, verbal abuse and physical abuse of past housemates. This housemate should be kicked out now. There have been too many incidents. Originally there were 3 woman on that floor, my daughter, the trouble maker, and another woman. That woman left because she didn’t feel safe and couldn’t take the verbal abuse and threats. She was the one the trouble maker concentrated on, since she left, it’s been my daughter.
