Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 11 of Sheltering In...FREAKING OUT

I can’t reach my sister. My daughter exchanged a very short text with her today. She’s home sick. She NEVER EVER stays home sick. I mean NEVER EVER EVER EVER stays home sick.

Background...My sister and her husband flew to Florida for vacation 03/17/20. They returned 03/21/20. She can’t return to her regular job for 2 weeks because she flew and left the state. After the 2 weeks she’s supposed to call HR for further instructions. (Because I’m sure they need to figure out how to handle it.) She works at a major grocery chain and had been pulling day shifts to make up for the time she’s not getting paid at her regular job. I’m sure the grocery has no clue she had a little vacation in Florida. MAJORLY irresponsible. But, that’s my sister.

So to outline all the unusual things:
1. My sister called off work sick.
2. My sister has not shipped my daughter’s birthday gift, which is very unusual. She always ships gifts weeks in advance. I really enjoy having to hide them and remember where I put them.
3. I messengered my sister Sunday to let her know my daughter had been in isolation since Friday morning. My sister normally would have freaked out and called me as soon as she could asking for all the details. ALL the times my daughter was hospitalized she would call me all the time for updates. It was obnoxious. I had to have Anastasia or now my wife call her an tell her to stop it.  It’s past 10pm on Tuesday and I have not heard from her at all.
4. I messengered my sister as soon as it got to me that my sister called in sick at her 2nd job. No reply.
5. I texted my sister about 1/2 hour later. No reply.
6. I called her cell phone. It’s turned off.
7. I looked up her landline and called that. The phone is off the hook.
8. I called her cell phone and left a message asking her to call, text, or messenger me.
9. She doesn’t have any friends outside of either job, so no one I could call.
10. I can only remember 1 name, almost...got it...Nick, but she told me he doesn’t work there any more since over a year ago.
11. I can’t call either job, because if she does have the Coronavirus she’ll lose at least 1 of those jobs, especially the 2nd job because she failed to tell them she flew to Florida and if she caught the Coronavirus from that trip, she did not isolate 2 weeks, so she potentially could have infected a lot of people.
12. I’m wracking my brain about what to do if I don’t hear from her. My sister is 56, but she’s definitely got the mindset of the Me Me Me generation. It’s all about her and what she wants, and she has no consideration for others. I talked to her several times to try to convince her not to go on the trip.

Her address wasn’t in my phone. I was thinking I would have to find a greeting card envelope with it on there. Then I remembered my friend Google. You’d be surprised what you can find out with the proper Google search. I found it. I remembered part of the street name, so when it came up I knew it was correct. (I bet you’re asking yourself, ‘that’s odd, why does Lola not have her only sister’s home address?’ The answer is that my family and I are not welcome there. I have never been inside her current house and was only in her previous house once for a bbq. Her husband can’t stand that I stood up to him. Long Story.)

My wife suggested I drive up there. Not a chance. I can’t remember where my aluminum baseball bat is. (Part of the long story above.) It’s just not a good idea with all my health issues. Even if he didn’t make contact taking a swing at me, I could lose my balance and get hurt.

Best alternative? Police Department Wellness Check. If no one answers the door and they see one of their cars in front, or sees them in the garage, they will call the Fire Department who will break in. This is the choice of last resort. If no one in my house hears from her or sees any online activity by Thursday, then a wellness check is the plan.

Why did I research her address, and how a wellness check is conducted? Because it calmed me down and kept me from thinking about the pandemic.

In birthday news...I looked into Zoom, it appears it is not free. I am still looking into playing a game together on the Internet. The game sounds more fun, which we’ll need if her team lead screws up and doesn’t get the party meal and cake. (It’s happened to her and her housemates a number of times.) I looked into having a cake delivered, but $45 + tax, too much for me. I’ll porch drop a store bought cake if the team lead screws it up. 

I really feel for my daughter. She can’t leave the group home to work at her job. She was put on isolation wrongly. The entire time she was on isolation her nutjob housemate terrorized her, pounding on her bedroom door and screaming at her. My daughter hasn’t been on a home visit since March 6th. She’s never gone that long without a home visit. I think it’s the nutjob’s antics that have her upset. She’s always been able to come on a home visit to get away from that. Tonight she asked if Wednesday or Thursday I could make a special meal, the 3 of us enjoy it at home, then the next day I porch drop her portion of the meal. Aww. 😢

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020

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