Sunday, June 14, 2020

Day 85 of Sheltering In

Saturday. Oh my word! My daughter is driving us all crazy. Friday and Saturday the group home staff had my daughter isolating in her room. Friday they refused to give her 4pm meds and a breathing treatment. So once again I had to open a can of whoop ash and send the team lead an email that spelled out that staff cannot deny a client medication for any reason. After my email, staff was all, ‘oh I never said you couldn’t have your meds, come down for meds and you can do a breathing treatment.’ Staff totally changed their tune and was overly pleasant.

Saturday I planned to porch drop my daughter’s laundry that I had to do at the laundromat Monday, and I porch dropped Thai takeout. Saturday the staff suddenly dropped the isolation rule and my daughter was even invited to go on a van ride to a nearby park with the other housemates, so they could walk and get fresh air.

The porch drop went fine, except the new shoes I brought fell out of the hamper and we didn’t notice, so they are still in the back of my Buick. I’ll drop them off Tuesday when I am in the area for another orthopedic doctor appointment, this time for my right knee.

My son and I watched “Rocketman” for the 3rd time when we got back home. My son is 25 and loves all the music from my era. We have a great time on car rides with SiriusXM 70’s, 80’s, 90’s music.

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020


  1. My 27 year old daughter loves classic rock, too. The 29 year old, not so much.

  2. Did he like the Queen movie?? I thought that was so much better than Rocketman...although the music in both are FABULOUS!

  3. He loved the Queen movie. We have it on DVD, still sealed. I want my surround sound hooked up, I bought connectors for it and they vanished. No one sees that movie at home until that’s hooked up. I am not paying another $50 for the adapter. I can wait. But can he wait?
