Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Day 131 of Sheltering In

Wednesday. I had my last PT appointment scheduled for 5pm today. I really dislike that time. By the time I’m done and get home it’s nearly 7pm or shortly after. If my wife fell asleep while I was gone (very likely since she has been having trouble sleeping), that means dinner at 8/8:30pm depending on what was planned or make a plan. Anyway, today I called and asked if I could come earlier. I had a feeling since this was my last scheduled appointment, I was going to get the boot. Done. No more PT because I knew Nathan was heading that way at Monday’s appointment. I thought, let’s change the time and catch him off guard. I got a 1pm appointment. I did all the usual torture exercises. He was nice enough to adjust the hand bike (just like it sounds, you pedal with your arms to build up your arm and shoulder muscles). He adjusted it perfectly. When he had me by the bands to show me some new exercises I showed off my progress. 

My son was 3 years old (he’s 25 now) when I had a bone spur removed from my L shoulder. Although the surgeon was highly recommended, he was an ashhat and refused to order PT. I never got full range of motion. I could only lift my left arm straight out and maybe 3 inches up. Very much like a Hitler salute. Everything was like it was locked and I couldn’t lift it any higher. Guess what? Now I can do a real high five with my left arm. I can lift my arm all the way up! Now it’s not without pain, I do sometimes get the popping/grinding in the socket where the top of the humerus fits into the scapula. It’s not bad compared to the R arm, but pain is pain. But I can raise my L arm completely up and can do a high, high five. I haven’t been able to do that since 1996! I’m serious! I literally discovered I could do it Tuesday night. So this was my show of progress and Nathan was excited! He admitted he had plans to give me the boot, but said we can work on strengthening the L shoulder and arm so I can maintain this range of motion. Can’t fix the popping/grinding, only surgery can do that, but he’s going to “ up” Lol! He said we would continue work on the R shoulder and he set me up with 2 weeks of appointments.

The team lead for my daughter’s group home is leaving and moving out of state to home school her kids. Hopefully they will get a decent replacement, someone who will grocery shop on a regular basis and get the items requested. My daughter’s buddy who used to work in the office, but now works in a shop for the group homes called her today. She sorts and organizes new and gently used clothing, shoes, and accessories. She is going to bring my daughter several polo shirts to replace the brand new ones she bought before the lockdown. She bought them for work because they changed the uniforms from shirt and tie to polo shirts or button down shirts. They had a mice problem at the group home and the mice found her cotton polos delicious and ate several large holes in her new shirts. So her buddy is going to bring her some clothes to try out and will bring over all the items the other ladies request. 

My daughter is already ruminating on the new team lead, whoever it is. Will they be nice, will they get what the ladies need?

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020

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