Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Day 180 of Sheltering In

Wednesday. My daughter is driving me bat πŸ’© crazy!
2 things, well 4:
1. She canceled the pulmonologist today and they won’t reschedule until Oct 1, too late for her LOA  paperwork. Team lead claims her PCP letter that goes til December 31 will work fine, no problem. The group home main office accepted it. ‘Do you think it will be ok? What should I do?’
2. The surgery. ‘How long is the surgery? How long will the incision be? Will I get stitches? How many stitches will I get? Will I have to get the stitches removed? How long will I be in the hospital? How long will my recovery be?’ Thank you Dr B for saying the “S” word and not providing any of that information.
3. ‘I talked to staff about post surgery. Staff keeps saying I will go to a nursing home or rehab facility. I’m not going to a nursing home. I don’t even want to go to one when I’m old enough. I asked staff why can’t I go home. Staff never heard of that happening.’ 🀦🏻 
4. ‘The team lead wants to replace my mouse eaten $90 Nike duffle bag with a $10 Wally World rolling suitcase. She can’t do that, it’s not right.‘

If all that seems even slightly annoying, it was much worse than that. It was like she was on speed, talking 500 mph and those questions are only part of what she asked me. Some of it I missed because she was talking so fast. 

I sent her several Amazon links for a suitable replacement duffle bag and told her to tell the team lead to order one of those. You don’t replace a very large $90 name brand bag with a Wally World child size $10 suitcase. I told her I was turning it over to her now, that she is to stand her ground and advocate for herself. It’s the organization’s fault they delayed taking care of the mice problem and they need to replace her Nike bag and 2 brand new, never worn polo shirts she bought for her new work uniform with “like” items and I explained what that meant. I told her to continue trying to get the team lead to do the right thing and if she won’t, go straight to the top and if necessary I will back her up. A replacement bag will cost $50-$60 on Amazon and if she sets up her Amazon properly, the organization will get a % donation. The links were for Adidas or Nike bags, either would be a suitable replacement. (If you buy from Amazon and aren’t already doing Amazon Smile for an organization, comment with your email and I will let you know how to have Amazon donate a % of your purchases to the organization that runs the group home and Day Program my daughter is at. It doesn’t cost you anything. It costs Jeff Bezos. πŸ˜‚)

I’m trying to figure out how to find out where my daughter can be for her recovery, without first going directly to the top. I know a current and a former employee. I think I’m going to have my wife ask them.  Maybe she will have better luck than I do getting a reply. I Googled to see if I could find anything online, like on the IDPH, or DHS websites, but couldn’t find anything.

I had the new lady (girl, she’s less than 1/2 my age) at PT today. Ugh! She acted like I was conning her about not being able to do the elastic band overhead pull downs. I stood my ground and did ALL the other exercises. My back is still bad since last Tuesday and I have sciatica which feels like a chef’s knife πŸ”ͺ is being stabbed into my back and shooting pain down my leg if I move in certain ways. What ways? The wrong ways. What is the wrong way? The way that causes pain. I was told by N he needed to switch me from Thursday to Friday. Np. I just hope I have him on Friday. He is tough, but I’ve been going there long enough for him to know I’m serious about the pain. The first day I walked in with that pain he knew by looking at me. She’s only been my therapist twice. He even said something when she was asking why I couldn’t do the bands. I’m all about not wasting these PT visits and getting the most out of them. If I aggravate this back situation, my doctor will make me stop PT and I will have to take the good drugs until whatever is going on heals. I know this because it’s happened at 2 previous PT stints.

Now for the πŸ’ on top of the day...I got an estimate for the Buick from the guy our mechanic recommended. I’m going to at least 1 more shop, hopefully tomorrow. I’m still in shock. To repair ALL of the scratches (2 of them are deep and not from the keying incident) it’s going to cost $1,071 and some change at Shop B. I think I want to go back and have him do an estimate for just the keyed spots and if that’s over my deductible, then I will submit it to my insurance. The other estimate from Shop A is a super lowball estimate that will dramatically increase once they’d start the work, if I ever let them touch my car again. Shop B has so much work because of the storm with tree falling on car damage he couldn’t do it for a month. And because there are 2 panels to be painted it will be in the shop for a full week. If I keep it a cash deal I will be taking the Pilot key and using it for my appointments and grocery shopping. If it becomes an insurance deal, I will get a rental car for the week because the insurance pays for it.

Hey Lola, why spend over $1,000 to repair scratches? I hear ya. I plan on keeping the Buick for a long time and want to take good care of it. I spent a lot of money on it and can’t have it looking the way it looks now. Not only that, scratches are breeding grounds for rust.

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020 

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