Saturday, November 21, 2020

Days 242-246 of Sheltering In

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Tuesday was my orthopedic appointment for my shoulders. The PA asked how I felt PT was going. (Hadn’t gone in over a month due to having to reschedule my appointment because my son and I were quarantining because my wife’s friend is an asshat and exposed us to the coronavirus.) I told the PA it helped tremendously with my L shoulder, nearly 100% range of motion. My R shoulder needs a lot more PT. She wrote an order for PT. I’ll be lucky to get started again before Christmas, because it takes so long to process referrals, and the holidays. I also have more doctor appointments in December. I have my 2 year checkup on my tumor. I’m very nervous. My memory is getting worse. It could be all the stress I am under, or a combination of both. I’m hoping for stress and praying there is no change in the tumor.

All week long I got triple the number of calls from my daughter. She was going on and on about her room bring packed up at the group home and the stuff they threw away. Thursday my daughter just kept ruminating on it to me. She got me so worked up that I started to draft an email to the new Director and Asst Director. I kept it as a draft and had a cocktail or three to calm myself. My daughter really carries on about things!

Friday morning I decided to leave the email draft alone. I decided not to pursue replacement of the food I had bought for my daughter (see previous post). I also decided for the rest to see how things played out. It was the right thing to do. I called the Asst Director, as requested, to discuss the Thanksgiving home visit. I got the details on how long, when to get the Covid-19 test and I was told to call the Asst Director on 12/03 about scheduling. She promised to somehow squeeze my daughter into the schedule. Since I had her on the phone, I asked about my daughter’s guitar and the other items that my daughter doesn’t know the whereabouts of because they packed them up and whisked them away. I was told the team lead would get the items and I should coordinate a time on Tuesday. I was told I could take those items, but warned they may have bedbugs. They didn’t have bedbugs when they were in my daughter’s room, but I will still take precautions. 

Later in the day the team lead called to tell me the van driver from Monday tested positive for the coronavirus. I immediately called my daughter and told her she needed to be diligent about wearing a mask when around her housemates.

Saturday was laundry day at my father in law’s. Yes, my new to me washer and dryer are still in my garage and my old broken appliances are still in the basement. I just don’t want to go there. Color me extremely frustrated. My wife did laundry, we had lunch and played cards. Shortly after we got home and had dinner my daughter did her nightly FaceTime call. I asked if she heard about the van driver. Turns out none of the housemates were told. I also found out that this was a non-issue because no one left the house on Monday, so they weren’t taken by van to day program. So that was good news.

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020

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