Saturday, January 16, 2021

Day 301, 302 of Sheltering In

Friday, Saturday. Ugh! Friday was paperwork day. All darn day. After dinner I hurt so bad. Saturday I was still hurting so I stayed home and didn’t go to my father-in-law’s to do laundry. With traffic an hour each way, not gonna happen with this knee pain. 

I’m reclining (with my knee elevated) at home reading all day and periodically icing my knee. Nope, not buttercream, reusable ice packs.🤣 I now have 6. If 6 isn’t enough then we have a problem. Reading the news? Nope! I was being good! I just chilled out all day by myself. Not even the kitty cats bothered me! I was reading books on my Kindle. Finished one, started another. 

After 5pm I get a call from Anastasia. (She never calls me. So it must be a big deal if she’s calling me.) Here is a synopsis of the convo:
Lola: Hello.
Anastasia: Where is your son’s phone?
Lola: Either on him or in his room.
Anastasia: Well where is he?
Lola: At his Grandpa’s house.
Anastasia: Where are you?
Lola: Home.
Anastasia: Are you sure he didn’t lose his phone?
Lola: I don’t think so. Why?
Anastasia: Cuz I called him and some foreign guy answered the phone, then he passed it to another foreign guy so I hung up and called you.
Lola: Huh?
Anastasia: I didn’t dial the wrong number. I’m going to try again and I’ll call you back.
Lola: Ok, I’ll run the Where’s My Phone App. 

So I run it, the phone is where my son is, at his Grandpa’s house. I try texting my wife, no reply. I try calling my wife, no answer. I’m starting to get concerned. 

Just as I was about to call my brother-in-law (lives with Grandpa), my phone rings, it’s a call from my son’s phone. It’s my wife. She’s laughing her ash off! Apparently my wife’s brother and father were pranking Anastasia. He answered my son’s phone talking with an accent. Then he passes the phone to their Dad who does the same! Anastasia freaked and called me.

Anastasia eventually calls me back and she’s kinda laughing, but also kinda pissed off because she said she was getting ready to leave the house to go to the “hood” to save them.

She thought my son either lost his phone or my wife and son were kidnapped! Kidnapped! 

I don’t think we’ve all laughed that much since before the pandemic! 

For those keeping score:
...If you’re late to Lola’s party...Anastasia is my ex.
...Anastasia originally called my son to see if he got the package that was delivered today (birthday gift).
...My father-in-law and Brother-in-law and Anastasia all know each other from my wedding. I asked Anastasia (and her wife) to attend as photographer because the woman my wife invited (relative of her bff) canceled. My wife’s sister stepped up at the last minute (she was refusing until she found out the original photographer canceled.) So Anastasia was back-up photographer. Yes, it’s all very strange, but that’s how they all know each other.

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2021

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