Friday, January 22, 2021

Day 307 of Sheltering In

Friday. Did not leave the house today. My son wasn’t happy about that, but I think that’s the way it’s gonna be...not going out. All I’ve been reading, which is less than I had been, say that COVID-19 is going to surge. Which is odd. The Governor began allowing dine-in today. If there’s going to be a surge, who are we opening up? Doesn’t matter to us. We will continue to get takeout.

My memory is terrible. I don’t remember if I mentioned that my daughter signed paperwork for her apartment. As far as I’m concerned, she can’t move fast enough. I’m tired of expensive things we buy for her getting stolen, or broken. Her Nebulizer, mask and tubing that she needs for her asthma were stolen while she was on a home visit with us. Along with it, several Tv series boxed sets, several DVD’s, and a Bible. Who steals a Bible? My daughter had been trying to get the group home office to replace the Nebulizer, mask, and tubing, but nothing is happening with that since she reported it 01/09/2021. We know nothing was done because I gave my daughter instructions to call her insurance and her pulmonologist to get an order for the stolen equipment. If someone had already started this process, the insurance and pulmonologist would have told her. While my daughter was on a home visit someone also broke the blender I bought for her in December. She used it almost daily to make healthy smoothies.

Speaking of her moving into an apartment (very, very close to us). A friend of my wife’s anticipated that her family was going to buy her a lot of new kitchen stuff (she just bought a house), and she was going to give my daughter the duplicate stuff. Turns out her friend was mistaken, so no cookware, baking pans, or dishes. My brother-in-law wants to get her a bunch of stuff and my wife has been telling him to wait because the apartments weren’t finished and, we need to find out what the group home provides for clients moving into one of their apartment complexes.

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2021

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