Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Day 388 of Sheltering In-Waiting

Wednesday. I got my 2nd dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. I am wiped out. I don’t know if it’s:

The shot
The long drive to get the shot
The long to walk to the very back of Walmart because there were no electric carts (yes, I little old lady walked with my walker and my knee brace on)
The 1/2 hour I spend on hold with a provider’s billing service (no one ever came on the line)
The one hour I spent on the phone with my daughter’s insurance company trying to get them to authorize payment for her missing psychiatric medication. I finally got them to authorize 10 pills. The missing 1/2 month of doses better turn up when she goes back to the group home, because I couldn’t do better than 10 pills and I really tried. The group home should have been handling this, but not one single staff person would help my daughter. It’s closer to 2 hours because yesterday and today I coached my daughter on how to make the calls herself
I think I should send them a bill for my services. How much should I charge an hour?

Lola’s Diner cc 2008-2021

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