Thursday, April 22, 2021

Day 396 of Sheltering In-Waiting

Thursday. I have to say that I do not like this new guy I’ve had today and yesterday for PT. He cut a lot of table exercises, cutting about 40 minutes from my usual hour and 20 minutes, which by the way, I’m mostly on my own because I know the exercises and the number of reps. I want to do as much as I possibly can at these PT visits because I do not want to have surgery to repair the torn meniscus. The LCL sprain will just not loosen up. It’s like a rubber band stretched as far as it will go and it’s like that all the time. I hope I don’t have him again tomorrow. I certainly hope I don’t have him at all next week. This guy is one of those super fit tools who you could bounce a quarter off his tight butt. Ick.

After PT I went for a haircut. I feel 10 pounds lighter. My hair was the longest it’s ever been, 5” bangs and I had enough hair for a 4” ponytail. I meant to look at the floor before it was swept, but I was so excited to get rid of it I just went to the counter to pay. Usually I comment about how when I get a haircut most of the gray gets cut off. No more. Most of the brown was cut off and I’d say I’m mostly gray now. If I remember for Friday’s post I will take a snapshot and post it after I’ve put in product and messed it up. Lol!

So, back to yesterday’s stalker talk...I snail mailed a letter to the address I found that appears to be the most current. I say most current because I looked myself up and found that I’ve been at this address until 2020, so that just means they don’t update until after the year ends. So we shall see what happens. ‘Stalker Talk’...that sounds like it should be a weekly blog meme. 😂

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2021

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