Wednesday, August 4, 2021

It’s Wednesday

The Blazer is back. Still no plate on the front even though I bought the screws. I guess my wife likes to live dangerously. I’m fairly certain she has an outstanding unpaid ticket. And she thinks I like to live dangerously seeing how far the Pilot or the Buick can go before it runs out of gas. I haven’t driven the Blazer enough to get a feel fit it. Lol! At least my living dangerously will not result in arrest. I think her younger sister got pulled over and arrested for the same thing when she first came back to town. 

My daughter is settled into her apartment, but we haven’t delivered the living room furniture, or the tv we are giving her. My brother-in-law has come over twice with the plan to bring the furniture, but he’s still recovering from pneumonia. He still looks wiped out. He’s going to try for Friday. I still need to find her a dark end table and a blonde sideboard/buffet. Thinking maybe I should take a trip to the thrift store that had the blonde sideboard. It could still be there. 

I just don’t have time. Today was a clusterfork. My son and I had blood work scheduled today but the orders weren’t faxed over so we had to wait an hour for them to be sent over. I had no food since 8pm the night before, and didn’t get the blood work until 12:30pm. Good times! I had PT today and I’m all achy. Tomorrow I have PT at 2pm. If I can get out of the house early enough I can drop off my daughter’s phone to get a new battery while I’m at PT. (It only took an hour and a half on the phone and online to file a claim with the protection plan I have through my cell phone service provider. It’s been worth it. I had 1 lost phone replaced and several batteries installed on the other phones.) I had her switch phones with her brother. Omg! My son complained sooo much about it. What’s my daughter to do? She has no landline and I really don’t like her borrowing other tenant’s cell phones. 

My wife wants to take the Buick and the Blazer to the DIY car wash tomorrow, so if you live near me…bring an umbrella to work.

I caved and renewed the satellite radio on the Buick. I got a deal. No way would I pay $25/month. It was actually 5 bucks less than last year to pay for the year up front.

Lola’s Diner © 2008-2021

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