Sunday, March 7, 2010

Blackberry girl...

Jen @ Redhead Ranting suggested to me that my forays into the lesbian dating world would make great blog fodder. While I tend to agree, I don't know that I would even feel comfortable sharing even the most G rated details. I wouldn't want my blog to interfere with my dating life, nor would I want it to jeopardize any possible relationships. That being said, I feel perfectly comfortable to share my solo excursions to the gay clubs. If you are a blog pally you're a friend, and you're probably already getting the details, (whether you're really interested or not). If you are a blog pally and you want an update, just email me. I'm not comfortable broadcasting on my blog, but confiding in a friend I believe is ok.

That being said, I thought I would share this weeks and last weeks experiences at the gay club. Always great fodder for the blog and awesome people watching.

First...last weekend I went to the club on Saturday. There was a group event for a group that I belong to, but I failed to contact them to get a cell phone number to meet up with the group. It was a last minute decision to hit the club, so I was pretty much on my own. The club wasn't very crowded. It just seemed like it was couples, transgendered people and senior night. The couples were bumping and grinding. The transgendered all had bad wigs and the worst fashion sense. Most of the seniors were coupled off and dancing old fashioned dances. All the bartenders were falling out of their apparently regulation low cut tank tops. I got a flirty smile from a transgendered person (MTF, my guess) and a senior who was old enough to be my grandmother.

This weekend I went and several women talked to me. Sure, they mostly wanted me to watch their stuff while they played pool or danced, but hey, that's something, right? The bartender recognized me from last week and fake flirted with me saying she was happy to see me in her section again. No doubt my tips last week were more than acceptable? Then this blonde woman, who looked like a cross between Melissa Etheridge and Anne Ramsay introduced herself and started chatting with me. Chatting, in between texting on her Blackberry. It was her 35th birthday. When she sat next to me, she practically sat on my lap, and constantly touched me as she conversed. She was texting with her roommate's ex-girlfriend who she is crushing on. She was very friendly, but clearly not interested in anything but friendship. She was very friendly and it was nice for once to have conversation while I sipped my Coke. She told me if I go to the club next week solo for their St. Patrick's Day Party, she will make it her mission to find me a woman. So, you can't beat that, can you? Well, you can, I guess, if I had met someone interested in me...but still, I'd say that's pretty awesome! We talked nearly the entire time I was there and she gave me some tips on dating sites and encouraged me to "work it". (Goodness knows in this situation we all need some support and encouragement!) The club was 3 times as crowded as last week. Perhaps because the word is getting out that this club recently re-opened. The same transgendered people where there, and one other. I'm guessing an MTF who had Nurse Diesel boobage, Tootsie eyeglasses and 70's big hair. She was bar dancing. (Dancing while standing against the bar.) It was a real hoot to watch, and hard not to be fixated on that particular display. Other than that, the crowd was quite varied, though, it was real difficult to determine who, was with who. Perhaps Blackberry girl can help me with that next week?

Lola's Diner


  1. I feel for you...the dating/bar scene is never really fun. The people watching, however? Hysterical.

  2. Now that I've been married for 15 years, I would truly be a fish out of water if I had to hit the singles scene again! I guess if the Husband ever dies off, I'll just be the crazy cat-lady on my street. Seems easier, somehow. Good luck to you!

  3. Oh criminy! That is some report from the trenches, Lola! Did you have fun though??

  4. Oh, can I go with you next time? This sounds like great people watching and much more interesting than the straight bars, though they do get more interesting the more the patrons drink, or maybe that's the more I drink...

    Good for you for getting back out there, it's scary but your doing it.

  5. My best friend is a black gay architect who looks like Tiger Wood's older twin sister. She and my husband are twins (he's the brother from another mother, and another time and another state but they were born on the same day.) She's and her partner of 12 years broke up a couple of years ago and it's hard to get back on that horse. But, Baby, you gotta do it!

  6. Props to you (props? watching too much american idol) for getting back out there. It's never easy though it can be fun. Good luck and I hope you meet someone wonderful and deserving.

  7. Sounds like a very interesting time. I wish I could go to a club just to people watch!

    Wish you luck with working it!
