Monday, August 24, 2009

Hey! Ask Me A Question...Please?

I've seen other bloggers do posts asking their wonderful, loyal and faithful readers to ask them questions, so why not, let's open up the comments at the diner for questions.

(See how I flattered you so that you'll take the time to ask some questions?)
(Ok, if you're new, you can ask questions too.)

I'm hoping this will be fun. (Oh, come on! It could so be fun!)

If there is something that I cannot answer due to:
A. It making me too squeamish.
B. A pending lawsuit.
C. National Security reasons.
I will let you know.
So ask away!
Come know you want to!
I'll be answering your questions tomorrow.
Lola's Diner


  1. Do you have a favorite pesto recipe? I bought a ton of basil at the Farmer's Market yesterday & want to make pesto with it.

    Great idea with the questions, can't wait to see what everyone asks!

    Happy VGNO! Stopping by late again....

  2. What are your thoughts on upcoming legislation regarding national healthcare? I would thinking, considering some of the issues you have to deal with constantly, you might have an opinion.

  3. If a train leaves Chicago at 4:00 doing 45 mph...

    Just kidding!

    A Question? Hmmmm...

    What do you think is the most effective way to make money with your blog without having it look too overwhelming?

  4. Is there anything you'd like to do that you've never done before?

  5. Stacey is so funny! Okay, well, I think this is my first time here, but I definitely already have a question:

    How did you get so many people to follow your blog? :)

    BTW: I'm putting your link on my roll now. Have a great week.

  6. What do you think of the Kindle. Just read a piece in the New Yorker. Not sure I'm convinced so looking for opinions of those who use them.

    Oh, and what's the harvest in your garden right now.

  7. Hi there! I am getting tons of tomatoes, dill, and cucumbers from my garden....the sunflowers are also blooming beautifully. What are you getting from your garden?

  8. Two questions:

    1. What is your favorite book or author (or both)?

    2. If you had to choose between saving a loved one (child, spouse, or lover etc.) or 7 strangers, which would you choose? And no, you can't save them all.

  9. Great Idea. Will you be doing this Weekly?
