Thursday, April 22, 2010

My cat is a peeping tom

Ok, so my cat, Irish, is a peeping tom. Either that or she's a closet lesbian. (I do keep finding her in the closet lately since I cleaned it out.) Anyway, every time I shower and get dressed, she's there.
She follows me into the bathroom. And just sits in the doorway and watches while I do what one usually does in the bathroom to get ready for the day, or for a date. She stands watch as I'm in the shower. She watches as I towel off, use deodorant, put gunk in my hair and brush my teeth. Then she follows me to the bedroom and watches while I get dressed.

My cat that passed away, Sophie, could have cared less what I did, never followed me, watched me or stood guard.

If I close the bathroom door, Irish is stretching her paws under the door and rolling upside down trying to get a peek under the door. How do I know this? Because our bathroom doors have a big gap at the bottom.

Is she standing guard? Is she interested/fascinated/confused about what I'm doing? She's been there every single time since I switched to showering upstairs. Is she fascinated with that fact that we humans put on clothes, while she runs around nekkid in her cute red and white fur coat?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Lola's Diner


  1. I don't know what it is, but my Grace comes with me every morning too. I think she always liked the me & Mom time. I think it is warm in the bathroom while you shower and they like that. Come warmer weather, I kinda lose Grace coming in as much. I think they just like the time with you, Lola, not your hot bod.

  2. @ Lin - Well I know for sure it's not my 'hot bod', because I don't have one. It just seemed weird to me is all. I'm glad to know it seems to be a normal cat thing.

  3. I can't say for sure whether or not Irish is a peeping tom, but she IS absolutely gorgeous and I love her.

  4. Hi Lola,

    I can so relate to your story. I wrote a post about our cats and the bathroom entitled "Does Your Bathroom Need a Pet Door". You are not alone. They are fascinated by bathroom activities. Our Sophie even likes to was the "show" when you flush the toilet. Talk about strange.

  5. lol...Murphy (our dog) follows me every where. He now likes to come in the bathroom and watches me stand there and do my business (I know, gross for lolas I still wont let him in the bathroom with me if I have to 'sit down'

    My concern is my dogs fetish with feet.

    lola, You have given me a great idea on a new I have had writers block for a while now.

  6. It seems funny...because it's not happening to me! We have a cat that is an outdoor cat and the few times that we've let him in, he seems to linger anywhere and everywhere that I am. Staring...

  7. I don't know what she is doing but my cat does the same thing. It's a bit unnerving. However, I think what she is really doing is waiting until I leave so she can drink out of the toilet. I have a weird cat.

  8. My friend down the street has a dog that is fascinated with her.. umm... smell. When she sits on the toilet, he runs in the bathroom and sticks his nose in her crotch. When she changes, he grabs her dirty underwear and runs away with it. Maybe your cat and her dog need to get together!

  9. I don't get the staring so much as I get the following. Thanks, Shadow and Lucky, for supervising my first morning "visit" but I don't really need you here to make sure I know what I'm doing. I think they just think if they're that close to me it'll make me move faster and serve them breakfast.

    I think Irish just loves you to death and wants to spend as much time with you as possible. Now if she jumps in the shower with you, I'd have her checked.

  10. I think this is more "dog-like" behavior than cat-like. Coquette always waited on the bathroom rug when I took a shower and I'd have to shoo her away so I could get out of the tub.

  11. This reminds me of our outdoor semi-feral cat. She comes around once in awhile to see if we will give her some food and stares in the window of our french doors. I feel like an animal at the zoo that she's come to see when she gets bored.

  12. well she might be a lesby, lol. maybe it is just her ways or she must be fascinated with how humans behave.

  13. I don't know the answer, but she's quite adorable!

  14. I've got bathroom guards, too. The couple of times they've gotten in it's been their goal to get pettins. See, you may as well be petting the cat whilst sitting on that funny white chair (at least that's what MY cats think).

    I have had cats, though, that supervised showering and toothbrushing and dressing.

    It's a normal cat thing. Well, as normal as cat things get anyway.

  15. Maybe Irish wants to get primped and pampered like you are doing to yourself haha.

    But I wouldn't know I never really had a cat, though some of my MIL's nicer cats loved to sit on my stomach when I was pregnant with my first son and just purr.

  16. Peeping Tom her back and see how she likes it.

  17. Both my cats do the same, and are quite territorial about it. They tolerate each others presence. But if I'm on the loo my gray cat (Digit) will sit at my feet guarding me. if I'm in the shower or having a bath the my black and white boy (Pirate) takes up residence curled up beside the tub. And forbid it I should shut the door before Pirate comes in during a bath. He sits at the door and meows plaintively until ANYONE lets him in. It really makes me wonder what goes through their tiny brains.

  18. We've decided our dog is bi-curious. He is in love with my husband follows him everywhere and makes out with him when he's asleep. But when hubby's away I get his sloppy seconds. It's like having a baby all over again. Can't shower, poop or get dressed without them watching.

  19. My cat does the same thing too, whether for me or when the kids were home. And those eyes! All pictures of the cat come out the same.

    Visiting from TB!
