Saturday, January 30, 2021

Day 313-315 of Sheltering In

Thursday, Friday, Saturday. I think it was Thursday that my leg pain was so bad that I did nothing but elevate and ice. 

Friday I went grocery shopping with my son in anticipation of the blizzard we were supposed to get Saturday. 

When the blizzard didn’t come my son and I went to drop off the items my daughter had me get for her. Along with food, she asked for oil pastels and a sketch pad. It will be interesting to see what she does with those. Of course it started snowing pretty heavily when we got 15 minutes from my house. 

After dropping off that stuff I took my son to Disc Replay to buy some used games with his Christmas money. He talked Anastasia into buying him a PSP, so he had to get games for it. He had one (also bought by Anastasia) when they first came out but it broke. He’s much older now so I’m hoping he’s more careful with it.

After Disc Replay we were supposed to go to the bodega for fruit, veggies, and spices, but my wife failed to return my bank cards from her Friday night trip to Jewel. So we took the long way home, sang along with songs on the radio, and watched the snow fall. Traffic was very light.

Just got an update on the snow...we got 3-4 inches after we got home. I got a couple of those tiny bottles of oil when I grocery shopped so I could mix it with gas for the snowblower. (Two-stroke engine, so it must have oil mixed with the gas.) Did someone go get gas for the snowblower like I asked? Nope.

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2021

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