Saturday, January 30, 2021

Sunday Stealing-Animals

Questions provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

 1.   What is your favorite animal and why?

I would have to say MY cats, Maddux and Irish. Maddux loved to cuddle. Irish is more aloof, but she loves to be petted and scratched. My wife’s cat is Bubba and she is always picking fights with my cats. If one of them is 5 feet away and looks in her direction she hisses at them. She won’t let the other cats on the recliner all. Not even if they are on the opposite end of the sofa. She claimed it as hers when we got it and that queen will not abdicate her “throne”!




2.   Are people animals? What separates humans from animals?

Some certainly behave more like animals than others. I guess I’d say yes. I was going to say opposable thumbs separate humans from animals, but opossums, pandas, and frogs have them, but humans can extend their thumbs further across their palms than those animals. Science lesson over. Obviously speech, the ability to think and learn on a higher level than animals. You don’t see squirrels attending college. 🥁 

3.   Which animal is the most dangerous?

Lions and tigers, and bears, oh my! (Wizard of Oz.)

4.   What should you do if a bear approaches you?

Avoid eye contact, and back away slowly. 

5.   Do you like dogs? Why do people call the dog, man’s best friend?

I love dogs. My first pet was a dog when I moved into my 2nd apartment. I would love to have another dog, but not with 3 cats. They are man’s best friend because...they just are! 

6.   Do you enjoy going to the zoo? Some people consider zoos to be cruel environments for animals. What do you think?

The zoo is ok. I’ve been many times. The last time was about 12 years ago for Zoo Lights during winter. Froze my butt off. It still was more enjoyable than going in the heat of summer. It was dark, the Christmas lights, and a lot less il behaved kids running around, crying and screaming. That really was the best part...very few kids. I have nothing against children, I have 2 of my own, but other peoples kids behave badly in public places and their parents do nothing about it. I never allowed my kids to behave like that. I think some zoo environments can be more cruel than others.

7.   Where is the best place to see animals in your country? In the world?

I don’t know. I’ve been to Milwaukee County Zoo, Milwaukee, WI; Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, IL; and Brookfield Zoo, Brookfield, IL. Never been outside of the United States. 

8.   Are you a vegetarian? What makes some people give up eating meat?

I’m not currently a vegetarian, but I was for about 2 years during my divorce. I was on a health kick. I went vegetarian, and went to the health club 6 or 7 days a week. I think the health club helped me keep my sanity. They had babysitting, so I got a break from my kids and they got to socialize with other kids. And I got away from my phone and my soon to be ex’s constant harassing calls. I always turned it off after I parked. I’m thinking about going vegetarian again. If I do, I will NOT be eating any of those plant burgers. Nope. To me they look unappetizing. I would stick with tofu, Boca Burgers, looks like chicken patties, looks like riblets (surprisingly tasty back in the day), and veggies and fruits in their recognizable form, not made to imitate meat. I bought several packages of Lemon Curry Tofu earlier this month and they were delicious. 

9.   Which animal is most helpful to humans?

Probably dogs.

10.  If you could be any animal (besides human), which animal would you like to be?

Wasn’t this one of Barbara Walters favorite questions to ask celebrities on her evening interview shows? Probably a cat. 

11.  Who would win in a fight between a tiger and a lion?

Help! Get that visual out of my head! Obviously the stronger, larger, more cunning animal.

12.  What do you think about hunting animals? Would you like to try it?

I think hunting to reduce overpopulation is ok, because the alternative, starving to death is more cruel. I don’t think I’d personally ever do it. I think hunting wild animals for sport is unconscionable. It makes me sick hearing about rich men hunting elephants and other animals in the wild. I do not support their businesses.

13.   Books like “Watership Down” and “Animal Farm” give animals human characteristics like human thoughts or language. Is this how you think animals really are? Or are those really just stories about people?

I never read either book, so I don’t know how to answer. 

14.  Some animals are endangered due to illegal poaching. How do you feel about this issue?

See #12. 

15.  If we can bring an extinct animal from the past back with genetic engineering, should we do it? Which animals should we bring back?

I don’t think so. Jurassic Park...hellooo!

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2021 


  1. Good answers. I don't want dinosaurs brought back, either. Dodo birds, maybe.

  2. Maybe there are squirrel colleges. We simply don't see them. :-)

  3. #15.. the perfect answe! 😂.
    The stork-billed Crane is a prehistoric bird. They are incredible looking.
    Loved reading all your answers. I think you might like Watership Down.
