Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Why You Shouldn't Text And Drive...

Warning: Graphic.

Lola's Diner


Stephanie Barr said...

I seriously should not have watched this last night. Staged and well-done, I was completely done in by the unresponsive baby staring into space and the little girl screaming for her parents in the front seat to wake up.

I had a hard time going to sleep and I don't text and drive. But then, you don't have to be be killed in an accident if someone else is doing it.

Lola said...

@ Stephanie B - Maybe that's why I couldn't fall asleep last night? Oh, it could also be that my partner was snoring like an aircraft landing.

A.Marie said...

Wow!! Some of these dingbat drivers, in my small town, need to view this. Why do people think that texting is safe?? I see kids doing it, and I seriously want to pull them over and slap them silly!

Auntie E said...

Hubby told me about the teens deaths and the texter not. I guess because of the airbag.I really do not know how the Law enforcement will be able to control this one. As if they don't have enough to do. I think it is worse than DUI. Now before long we will here DWT( driving while Texting)

Suzy said...

How awfdul that I watched this yesterday and wasn't grossed out? But I don't text PERIOD and I've been in too many gory (fake) movies!

Stephanie Barr said...

I'm a little worried about the characterization "worse that DUI" - that kind of thinking is dangerous. They both are bad.

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