Sunday, February 14, 2010

Just wondering...

I grocery shopped with our daughter on Saturday and made the rounds of the mexican grocery, Food 4 Less and Dominick's. We covered quite a bit of ground since we don't have a Dominick's near us.

We passed probably 5 or more Liberty Tax locations. They seem to be on almost every other corner in Joliet. Which begs the question, why does a person in a lady liberty costume, waving and dancing around inspire your trust so much that you decide to have your taxes done at this place of business?
So, what other business mascots makes you go wth?

Lola's Diner


Kelly said...

The Liberty Tax mascots make me less likely to use Liberty Tax Service. I know they are giving these people a job, but could it be any more humiliating? A sign? Fine. I pass a Liberty Tax corner every day and it just makes me sad.

Lin said...

There is some gaming store on my way home from work--around 87th and Cicero, so you know how congested that area is. They have two guys dressed like Sonic and the other is Mario. They dance IN THE STREET. Every single day since before Christmas. I'd shop there, but I'd really rather just run these fools over.

Dorothy Rimson said...

This is good

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