Sunday, April 12, 2020

Sunday Stealing-More Covid 19 Questions

Hi! Our host is Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

For COVID 19 Questions from SwapBot

That’s my sister and I. I’m the goof on the right. I have two legs, but during the time this photo was taken I had a penchant for lifting my left leg. No idea why. I even did it when I was a flower girl at my uncle’s wedding!

1 – What is something you are doing due to the pandemic that you normally don’t do? After the pandemic will you continue to so this? I am doing porch drops at my daughter’s group home. The drops are prescriptions and care packages of magazines, craft supplies, grocery items, and treats. We drop the package on her porch and watch her from the driveway come out to get it. I won’t continue. I will return to taking my daughter grocery shopping with me so she can select items herself.

2 - What made you happy, sad, or frustrated today? List, all big and/or small, as there may be some of one or all of these feelings! I’m frustrated because the bully at my daughter’s group home has not heeded the warning of the Assistant Director to stop the bullying or she will be moved to a different group home. That warning was a week ago. It has not lessened and she has not been moved. There are a few group homes on 30 day lockdown WITH staff staying 24/7/30. Not sure if there are clients in those homes with the Coronavirus, or if they are testing how to handle if a client were to become infected. This could be why the bully hasn’t been moved.

I’m both sad and frustrated by the convo with my daughter last night. She is really not doing very well and I fear she may need to go to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation. I do not want that now because of the Coronavirus. I may need to take her home for 2 weeks. Any client who goes on a home visit can’t return for 2 weeks. My daughter is manic, talking so fast that I can’t understand her and she can’t catch her breath. She’s also saying some odd things. One thing she told me, she said shebhad previously told her counselor, her dad (who she hasn’t talked to in several years because of his manipulative behavior), and her counselor at the behavioral school she attended 5 years ago. I was shocked and concerned. I tried to change the subject and lighten the mood. I asked her why she told all those other people in the past, but waited until now, during a pandemic lockdown to tell me. She laughed, then said some other things that were either confused thoughts or visual hallucinations. I’m very concerned. I know the bullying housemate who has been stealing the care package foods I bring is getting to her. Also, she was so proud to be an essential worker, only to have the governor halt all group home clients from leaving to go to work a week after he announced the sheltering in order. She misses her coworkers and her favorite customers at the grocery store she works at as a bagger. I’m going to talk to her in a bit.

3- What is one of the first things you will do when the pandemic is over? Go to my daughter’s group home and give her a big hug and squeeze her tightly. Then I’ll take my family out for a meal in a restaurant. That’s something we did just about every weekend and I know my daughter really misses it.

4 – Are you an essential employee or do you know someone who is? Is this affecting you in some way? My daughter was an essential employee until the governor ordered group homes to not allow clients to leave their homes for work.

5 – What are you doing to destress during this stressful time? Other than drowning in paperwork, I’m trying to spend more time with my son who continues to torture me with watching Star Wars movies and other shows I dislike. Yesterday he wanted to watch “Raider’s of the Lost Ark”. I put my foot down, no way! But we did watch “Rocketman” twice, which we both really enjoyed. I will be starting my vegetable garden from seeds today. It’s kind of late, but it’s my only shot at having a vegetable garden this year. Garden centers are not selling plants due to being categorized as non-essential during the lockdown due to the Coronavirus.

6 – Have you tried any new recipes during this time? Please share your recipe if you want to. No, we pretty much stick to the same recipes. It’s a lot of recipes, all different types of cuisine. We change it up a lot because we can’t dine out. I make takeout food at home. Which is a good thing because all the Chinese restaurants near us closed. Either due to small kitchens and tight working space, or for safety reasons. There had been quite a lot of racist comments and threats made to Asians due to the Coronavirus because certain people were calling it the “China Virus”. I think we all know where that got started. 

7 – Have you always lived where you do now? If not, how did you wind up in the place you currently live? No. I’ve lived in this burb since 2005. Prior to that I lived in Chicago from ‘88 to ‘05. Before that I lived in a SE burb in Wisconsin where I grew up. 

8- Where is the last place you visited on-line? CNN. I read way too much about the current situation.

9- What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? People have commented positively on how I’ve handled my children’s mental illnesses. Well, all but two who are exes, and who are exes for obvious reasons.

10 – Tell me about the last photo on your camera (phone or real camera or both!) A food shot! I got a new double Belgian waffle maker because our old waffle maker died. it makes 2 waffles at a time!

First batch, learning how much batter to use. Lol! 

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020


Stacy said...

I'm sorry your daughter's having such a rough time right now and there is so little you can do. I can't imagine how hard it is to trust any kind of facility to take care of a loved one these days.
All of our garden centers are open, which seems odd and unfair considering some of the businesses that are closed. Maybe it's because landscaping businesses are allowed to remain open and need to get supplies?

Lori said...

You hang in there with your daughter. It is so hard. My son struggles with mental illness too. The porch drops you are doing is so nice! What a great idea. Loved your answers! Happy Easter!

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