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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Day 53, 54 of Sheltering In

Wednesday and Thursday.

My daughter’s boyfriend was discharged Wednesday. The hospital did play “Here Comes The Sun” in celebration of beating the coronavirus. I don’t know that it can be said he beat it just yet, but hopefully he has passed the worse part and is well on his way to recovery.

I can’t recall what I did Wednesday. The days are running together.

Thursday I was on the phone all day. I called just about every agency trying to figure out why I got this notice or that notice. It ended up good news. I still have a few other things to research. I accomplished more than I thought I would.

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020

1 comment:

songbird's crazy world said...

He's on the road to recovery, that is good news

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