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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Day 86, 87 of Sheltering In

Sunday, Monday. Did not leave the house on Sunday. (Which is what Sunday is supposed to be, for me, anyway.) I watched QVC’s In the Kitchen With David. It’s my guilty pleasure. Sometimes I get new recipe ideas, or learn more about using a new kitchen item. Very rarely I make a purchase. Last purchase was a set of 3 different sized scoops. One ice cream size, one meatball size and one cookie or melon baller size. I cannot recall what I did for the rest of the day.

Monday. Again, did not leave the house, but spent over 2 hours on the phone regarding benefits. And I get to do it again after I schedule another appointment. It won’t take as long, thankfully.

Tuesday I am back at the orthopedic doctor for my right knee. I can’t wait to find out what fun, unnatural positions they put my knee in for x-rays. My brother in law will be back again to not mow the backyard. He did trim back most of the eucalyptus bushes. Of course, not all of them. I’ve got a ton of cut eucalyptus branches.

I cannot find a thing to watch on the streaming services. ☹️

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020

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