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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Day 98 of Sheltering In

Friday. Got up late. Didn’t get to Meijer til 1:30ish. My wife came with. She rarely does, but she was looking for fishing supplies, doo dads, whateves. So it was the 3 of us. One would think since we talked about getting frozen dinners for dinner, you would think one of us would have remembered. Nope. We’re loading up the car and my wife yells “dinner! We forgot dinner.” So my son and I go back in Meijer and get “dinner” and a couple things that should have been on my list.

We did a porch drop at my daughter’s group home. We couldn’t stay because we had our groceries in the car and needed to get home. 

And...I didn’t eat lunch ahhgain! I think that’s 4 days in a row. PT, running errands, or icing after PT, the time just flies by and it’s dinner time.

How does jelly get on the sole plate of an iron that is stored upstairs, far, far away from the kitchen where the jelly resides? How does that happen? 🤷🏻‍♀️ And how is it my ironing board cover feels paper thin? I don’t think I’ve ironed since the day before our wedding. I touched up everyone’s shirts and ironed slacks.

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020

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