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Saturday, July 4, 2020

Day 104, 105 of Sheltering In

Thursday, Friday. Thursday-The Director emailed me back Thursday. She claimed she would make staff aware that when I donate things for all the clients, that all of them receive their share.

Friday-Found out that staff had gone shopping and got burgers and sausages for the 4th. I’m going to bring over food on Sunday. My daughter asked and was told it was ok. It better be ok. I did a lot prep throughout the day, Friday and Saturday. Taking lots of breaks.

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Day 103 of Sheltering In

Wednesday. Multiple stressers goin on.

1. I applied for both kids to go off my record for their benefits. I got a letter today saying funds will no longer be sent to my son’s financial institution.
2. My daughter told me that the big laundry basket of craft supplies and snacks I brought for ALL clients at my daughter’s group home the day before Memorial Day, were used by staff for bingo prizes and several clients never got anything the I bought for ALL of them.
2. My daughter informed me that the team lead told the ladies she was not bringing over special food and activities for the 4th of July. Those ladies have been sheltering in for over 100 days. They can’t leave to go to a party, or anywhere for that matter and the team lead said she wasn’t doing anything.
3. My daughter told me there was no bottled water on the 2nd floor, no fresh vegetables and only apples for fruit. The freezer contains highly processed packaged frozen meals...Hot Pockets, Burritos, Encor and Stouffers meals. All the ladies can cook so why are the staff buying garbage food?

I emailed the Director and Asst Director about all 3 items above.

3rd PT day I’m a row. It’s like when I scheduled my appointments with a therapist I had been suddenly struck stupid. Why did I schedule 3 days in a row?

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Day 102 of Sheltering In

Tuesday. Talked to my daughter about what her group home is doing for 4th if July. She said no one has said anything. I told her to find out if parents can bring over homemade food. If allowed I have no idea what to make, but I’m waiting to get my question answered. Since it takes a committee for most questions, I thought I’d ask early.

PT has been hell. My right shoulder is screaming. I’ve iced twice. They are still trying to collect a copay from me, so I will have to call my insurance Wednesday. I’m not paying it, because I won’t get it refunded. They are not submitting the bills properly. This happened my first day of PT. Also, they have been calling my PCP asking for an order, when I already gave them the orders from my 2 orthopedic visits. They did this because the orthopedic doctor’s office is impossible to reach by phone, but why do they need different orders? These look like the same format and verbiage that was used for my previous stint in PT. It’s bad enough they cause so much pain, but then I also have to keep calling my insurance. Not kewl. My last resort is to call Anastasia because she works at the corporate office. I really don’t want to do that. She’s back to calling or texting my wife to arrange plans with my son. I swear I have not done anything to get cut out of that loop.

PT was MTW because of the holiday. I swear I will never do that again.

Apparently I’ve been nominated and won the prize of teaching my father in law how to use a tablet so he can have a doctor appointment on Zoom. But I may have found a way to have my wife offer to do it. Score!

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Day 99, 100, 101 of Sheltering In

Saturday, Sunday, Monday. My daughter sounds very down. A housemate got to visit family for a few days a couple weeks ago, and is on a home visit now. The rule is you must go 14 days on a home visit, because of the coronavirus. This one housemate can go just a few days. It’s not right. 

In other news, waiting on approval of my daughter’s leave of absence extension. Also, my daughter is trying to straighten out her union dues. Her supervisor did a “card” for my daughter so billing/collection of union dues stops while she is on leave. She’s gotten 2 invoices, May and June and they are continuing to charge her and the charges are adding up.

A group home in J town has 6 clients and 6 staff testing positive for the coronavirus. Also, 2 people that live in apartments are positive, 1 of them is hospitalized. Not good news. I know my daughter has read about this because she was the one who turned me on to the page that gives information about the group homes. Maybe that’s why she’s down? I’m going to talk to her about it Tuesday.

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020
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