My girlfriend got me involved in
Realm Of Empires on Facebook back in April. This is not like many of the other games on Facebook. It requires planning and strategy to build your village and attack other villages. A big part of the game is interaction with other players. You can plot coordinated attacks, or you can go it solo. You can also build alliances.
To start out, you join a clan and begin building your village. This is what a village looks like after it's been built up.
"Realm Of Empires is a medieval-themed Massively Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy Game - MMORTG.
You start with a small village which you grow into a mighty fortress as you struggle for dominance of the realm playing with, and against real people. It’s a game of diplomacy, strategy and war.
The game is intended to be played as little as just a few minutes per day, over many days, weeks and months as you make friends in a medieval world."
This is not your typical Facebook game. It's
not time consuming (though it can be a bit time consuming if your clan is involved in a war and you've got to dodge attacks and defend your villages), it requires strategy, diplomacy and thinking and as I mentioned before, there is interaction with other players and opportunities to make new friends and build alliances within the game.
Two new realms were recently created, 9 and 10. My girlfriend and I play in Realm 10. Periodically they create new realms for the short term, tournament-like realms open for a weekend where you build at a much more rapid pace than the regular realms. You build, then begin attacking and acquiring Rebel Villages to build your empire. After acquiring as many Rebel Villages as you can, you can begin attacking live players and taking their villages. My girlfriend and I played recently when they had Realm X open for a weekend. My girlfriend is an avid player. (Read "crazy", but in a good way.) She enjoys the plotting and strategy involved and she's playing in several realms that have closed to new players, as well as playing in the new realms. As experienced a player as she is, I lasted out longer in Realm X than she did. As vices go, Realm Of Empires isn't a bad one. We both bring our laptops to each other's houses on the weekends and spend some time either pillaging (attacking and taking new villages), or defending our villages from attacks. It's a really fun game.
So what are you waiting for? You're on Facebook, aren't you? Come join in the fun!
Lola's Diner ©2008-2010