Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I still feel like a loser in high school...

"I gotta (sic) pick myself up and I have to tell myself that I'm a superstar every morning so that I can get through this day and be for my fans what they need for me to be."

Hey Lady Gaga! Wow! We have so much in common! I can't believe it! Every morning I have to tell myself I'm a superstar so I can get through this day and be for my fans what they need for me to be!

Yes! My blog fans! Where are my peeps! Give a holla!

Every morning I get up and shower, get dressed, have my coffee and then tell myself that I'm a superstar (blogger). And to think that Lady Gaga is doing the same! Makes me feel even more like a superstar (blogger). I'm sure it probably takes Lady Gaga longer to get dressed than this dyke...I mean..and I don't have a team of stylists and dressers either. And a personal assistant to keep track of what she wears.

Lola's Diner ©2008-2011


Lin said...

I loved that video. Don't we all feel like "losers" sometimes?! I mean, I don't know a soul who wakes up and says "I'm GREAT!" and believes it. And all those insecurities from grade school and high school--they are all still there under this grown-up skin.

Yeah, Lola (and Lady GaGa), I'm with ya. I gotta do the Superstar speech every once in a while too. Probably more than I would like.

Jen said...

I didn't know there was a speech. I just get up, have some coffee and sometimes shower if I am lucky. I'm so busy listening to the other voices in my head that it never occurred to me that I could give myself the superstar speech. I'm gonna try that tomorrow. Maybe Stuart Smalley was on to something.

I think you are a superstar. A great superstar that is much more interesting than Lady Gaga and her little monsters. When she has a couple kids and spends each day getting them to school, helping with homework and doing all those other things we do each day then she can call herself a superstar. For now she is just someone who has a lot of really confused fans.

Anonymous said...

Internal superstar speeches are a must. It's better if you listen to the speech you're giving yourself (this is a problem of mine)...but one small step at a time I suppose.

StaceyC4 said...

I wish I had a team of stylists...

Cardiogirl said...

Like Jen, I had no idea there was a speech we could rely on. I put all of my hopes on that first pot of coffee.

Now I've heard that Lady Gaga refers to her fans as monsters. That, I can relate to.

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