Like many of you, a vacation is just not in the cards due to finances. So I came upon the idea of the Cabin Fever Margaritaville Carnival. Since I can't go on vacation and many of you can't either, I thought it would be great to have us all write about our favorite/most memorable vacation. If you don't have a favorite/most memorable vacation, then feel free to make one up.
I've decided to make this interesting. I'll be awarding Entrecard Credits for the best stories.
1st Place - 1,500 Entrecard Credits
2nd Place - 750 Entrecard Credits
3rd Place - 250 Entrecard Credits
Be sure to sign up now! I look forward to reading your stories!
2nd Place - 750 Entrecard Credits
3rd Place - 250 Entrecard Credits
Be sure to sign up now! I look forward to reading your stories!
Here are the rules:
1. To participate, you must post the Cabin Fever Margaritaville Carnival Badge on your website and link back to Lola’s Diner. Click HERE to get the HTML code for the badge and the rules. If you are having difficulty doing this, please let me know and I will try to help you.
**PLEASE NOTE: Posting the Cabin Fever Margaritaville Carnival Badge, and link back to Lola’s Diner IS REQUIRED.
2. Anyone is welcome to join in the fun. On Monday, February 16th thru Sunday, February 22nd stop by Lola’s Diner to link to your individual Cabin Fever Margaritaville Carnival post instead of your home page. Here is how you link to an individual post if you’ve never done it before: Right click on the date at the bottom of the post you want to link to (or the post title depending on where you blog) click “Copy Shortcut” and then paste it into Mr. Linky in the sticky post at the top of my page. If you make a mistake with your link just try again. Either I will delete the mistake or you can click on the smiley face next to your link and delete it yourself. You may need to hit “refresh” to see the smiley face on your screen.
3. During your Cabin Fever Margaritaville Carnival blog reading session wear a Hawaiian shirt, tie dye or other colorful shirt. Shorts optional.
4. You must provide your own frosty blender beverage or a cold one. (Alcohol or non-alcoholic, your choice. If you choose alcohol, don’t drink and drive.)
5. Sponge cake, six string, porch swing and flip-flops optional.
Lola's Diner
That sounds reeeeally fun, Lola!
I'm gonna try but I might need help with the code and all that shit.
What a GREAT idea, Lola! Thanks for doing this, it's going to be fun! :) Now to hunt down my favorite vacation pics... ;)
I just finished putting up your badge on my left side bar. Now I have to work on my post. :o)
not to make you jealous or anything, but I'll be in Malaysia in a week's time, for about 3 weeks... no cabin fever for me, I'll be in the tropics for reals :)
btw - saw yr interview over at Being Bipolar - thanks for sharing, it was an eye-opening read.
Hey Lola, this is supposed to be fun! Now I have this added pressure of trying to make my story interesting. LOL I'll have to drink a couple of Margaritas before writing my post. :o) Ha ha I'm not a good storyteller, blame it on me being 'left brained' or is it right? Whatever brain is the analytical one. I remember my dad complaining that my stories are too short, like a telegram (remember those?). LOL
I'm worried about you.
Where have you been?
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