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Monday, November 2, 2009


First off, I gotta say, I suuuuuuck! Anastasia gave me her fancy shmancy 35mm digital camera that I got her a few years ago for Christmas to use to take photos at her mom's house. I didn't know that you had to pop the flash part up or the photos would be blurry. So that means that all the cool photos I took over there were crap. If Anastasia's sister emails us her photos, I will post them.

I did take a photo of our kids when we got home. Anastasia took the kids costume shopping earlier in the week. Before that all of our son's costume ideas involved him being in a suit. Scary axe murderer in a suit, scary clown in a suit. He finally settled upon a Scary bloody a suit. (Did you catch the theme?) I'm not really sure what our daughter's mask is. Anyway, they both had fun.
Lola's Diner


JD at I Do Things said...

Oh, my god! Your son looks terrifying! What is it about a crazed jester in a suit?! Your daughter looks properly scary, too. I wouldn't want to meet them on a dark street.

(I'm so glad your money problem was resolved.)

Lin said...

Well, at least he is a well-dressed scary guy!

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