Louise @ English Opinion - Welcome to My Crazy World has awarded me the Blog Love Award. Thank you so much Louise! I’m now passing on the Blog Love to other fantastic bloggers!
Here are the rules:
* When you receive the Blog Love award, you should place the logo on your blog proudly!
* Link to the blogger that awarded you the love
* Nominate your friends and bloggers you read regularly, as many as you like
* Finally, let them know you’ve nominated them to receive the award
I am officially passing on a little Blog Love to the following exceptional bloggers:
1. BlueViolet @ A Nut In A Nutsell
2. Tammy @ Crazy Mom With 4 Boys
3. Sue @ Stay At Home Mom
4. Melissa @ Why Be Normal
Lola's Diner
Thanks for the award. That's so nice of you. I'll post it as soon as I can. Thanks again. :)
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this award! You are so sweet. I'll get right to posting it.
Thank you so very much! I really appreciate it! :)
Congrats to everyone. You all deserve it!
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