He's definitely his father's son, that's all I can say. Nearest thing I could guess is that he was trying to take attention away from the fact that he lost the cell phone that his father provides him. He lost it while he was in Chicago this weekend. My other guess, is that he didn't like them long.
What the freak am I talking about?
He shaved half of each eyebrow with his electric shaver! Yup, he looks like a freaking Groucho Marx caricature, except he shaved the stache this weekend so he's just got Groucho eyebrows.

Anastasia asks me what the hell was I doing that I didn't know what he was doing. He was in the freakin bathroom, I thought he was using the toilet. He shaved his face yesterday (finally) so I know he wasn't in there shaving. He won't have to shave his beard for at least a week, if not 2 weeks.
Then Anastasia keeps asking me what I'm going to do about it. What the freak do you want me to do about it? Do you want me to get an eyebrow pencil and draw in the missing eyebrows?
If I can get him to sit still long enough in the morning before school I'll snap a shot with the digital camera and post it, but I can't make any promises. (What can I say, I'm all about my bloggers!)
Jeez I'm hoping the school nurse doesn't call me. I think she has me on speed dial by now.
Lola's Diner
At least he didn't shave his hair although that might have been better than having half eyebrows. LOL
You deserve a good laugh!
So did you ask him why he did it? Does he like his new look?
We NEED a picture.
I am looking forward to the photos. I am all about throwing loved ones under the bus to make readers laugh. If you find out the motivation behind the eyebrow shaving, let us know.
Lol, definitely agree with the need for photos!
I've become a regular reader and love your blog... so I've nominated your for the Blog Love award!
What a riot!
You've GOT to get evidence of this...perfect blackmail card to have in your hand. LOL
If it helps, I've heard you can put Rogaine on your brows to make them grow back faster. I've never tried it because I'm scared the Rogaine will drip and I'll end up with a patch of black hair on my eyelid or my cheekbone, but maybe it's worth the risk in your son's case.
I thought you had a picture of little Tattoo from Fantasy Island on your page. Bummer, dude.
it's not THAT bad, though. it still looks fine!
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