Lei’s, party hats, streamers and horns were aplenty. So much so, that my friends and I wore multiple hats and Lei’s. After ringing in the New Year at Wendt’s, we walked about 2 blocks to another bar. At some point my friend Cindy's mother picked us up and were going to give me a ride home, but there was some arguing going on between Cindy and her Mother. I ended up asking to be dropped off at an intersection about 3 miles from my parent’s house. (Yes, I still lived with my parents.) Taking the bus at that point wasn’t an option because the end of the bus line was less than a mile ahead.
I began walking and stopped at the next bar just to warm up, or so I thought. Apparently wearing 2 Tieras (one forwards, one backwards) a Fez type Happy New Years hat in between them, about 8 lei’s, and more streamers and confetti than I’ve ever seen since, makes you the life of the party. Having never been the life of the party before, I rather enjoyed the attention. Every single patron (and there were still a heck of a lot of people out at the bar at that hour) had to buy me a drink and wish me a Happy New Year. After a very short while I HAD to switch to plain soda because I could not possibly drink any more alcohol. Around 5:30am I decided I was close to being sober enough to walk the 2 miles home.
So picture this (and I am so GLAD that I didn’t know anyone at that bar and that no one had a camera.) Picture this, I am walking home (more like stumbling), it’s nearly 6am, the sun has already come up, and I am still wearing the 3 party hats and I still have about 4 Lei’s and streamers and confetti all over me.
I am a freakin
New Year’s Eve party!
Somehow I managed to walk down 3 streets in our subdivision without being seen by anyone. I also managed to get in the house and into my room, without my parents seeing me come in. The issue here isn’t underage drinking, I was of drinking age. The issue is not having my parents see me looking like a New Year’s Eve Party threw up all over me. My friends thought it was cool, after all, they had just as many party hats, leis, streamers and confetti as I did. Somehow I don’t think my parents would have been impressed. walking
New Year’s Eve party!
As you contemplate your New Year’s Eve celebration, please:
Use public transportation (some cities offer very reduced rates certain hours on New Year’s Eve/Day) orI want to see you all back to blogging bright and early New Year’s Day.
Designate a driver or
Have a house party and let your guests sleepover.
Be safe!
(Ok, maybe after you sleep a little late and have a couple aspirin.)
What was your most memorable New Year's Eve?
Please post it in my comments section.
Please post it in my comments section.
(If you don't have one yet, please don't try to imitate my exploits.
The hangover for the next day and a half was excruciating.)
Lola's Diner
what a great story. . . I've got nothing close. . . I've been the designated driver in my family / circle of friends since. . .Nixon was president. For all those who, like Lola, know how to party - remember to take the aspirin before you fall asleep. . .
Koe Whitton-Williams:
I live out in the burbs with no bus service so I am now always the designated driver. At least being the designated drive guarantees no hangover, right?
Have a Happy, Healthy, and Safe New Year!
HA! Great story.
I have chosen to suppress mine :).
As for your Blago post- what an arrogant doosh.He just doesn't get it.
Happy New Year!
Great story. Mine were either too boring to recount, or the ones that weren't, well, I was too drunk to remember.
Have a happy, safe, and prosperous New Year.
With all of the snow landing on the ground today, our new year's eve plans may get postponed to another night. I have a dinner date planned with my sister, brother in law, and two nieces, father and wife.
Happy New Year! I have enjoyed reading your blog this year.
Haha, great story. The mental image of a walking New Year's Eve party is hilarious. ;-) I don't have any exciting stories to tell, all my NYE's have been pretty mundane. Usually I manage to come down with a cold or some other ailment a few days before and don't feel like doing anything. I'm lame. LOL
Happy New Year!!
I hope 2009 is filled with hope, happiness, health, and love.
HA! I don't have a memory that can top that. I have a favorite, tho.
My college friends and I decided to throw a NYE party in the middle of January, since all of us were scattered across the country over the holidays and missed spending NYE with each other. Among other revelries, we taped a sign to our apartment door that said "HAPPY F*CKING NEW YEAR!"
We forgot to take the sign down before the next morning, when one of our neighbor's parents was coming for the weekend. We heard the dad say, "HAPPY F*CKING NEW YEAR???" real loud, and it just cracked us up.
JD at I Do Things
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed New Year!
Happy New Year:) Thank you for being the number 1 EC dropper:)
Now I wished I partied like you when I was younger! LOL I miss spending New Year's eve in my old country. There are a lot of fireworks and firecrackers. It starts at 10pm with the loudest being at midnight and continues for an hour or so afterwards. We always have a huge spread of food and eat at midnight. Nowadays, it's a quiet celebration with hubby and my daughter while my 4 yr old son snores in his room. :o)
Happy New Year Lola!
Hope you had a great New Years!
There is a very good reason the 80's are behind us no? Happy 2009!
I Am Harriet,
Oh no fair suppressing memories.
Da Old Man,
I had so much evidence when I woke up with that hangover (all that New Year's Eve crap) that it brought the whole night back. lol!
Sorry to hear about your bad weather. I hope you do have your get together at some point and have a happy and safe New Year.
On The Verge,
Thank you so much. I really appreciate the feedback. I enjoy your blog very much.
The father probably thought he was going to wake up your hungover sleeping behinds. lol!
Thank you and same to you,
Thank you!
See that's the thing, I was never a partier. Sure I could make a valiant effort at drinking my friends under the table, but not really a partier. I haven't even come close to that New Years Eve (and truth be told I don't think I could survive a hangover like that!)
I am Harriet,
Just a quiet evening with my peeps.
Yes you are so right!
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