There are Inaugural Balls and Inaugural Galas, concerts, breakfasts, luncheons, dinners, etc. I went on Experience - DC Presidential Inauguration Balls and Events and found more than 70 events. If you plan on attending the inauguration, or any of the events, please post in the comments section and let us know. We’d love to hear about it. Here are my picks and jabs at some of the events:
Two events for “the people”:
01/16/09 The People's Inaugural Premier – Historical Society of Washington, DC. Tickets: $75; $250 Host Committee VIP Pass. For the “people” and only $75, a bargain.
01/17/09 The People's Inaugural Ball – The Historical Society of Washington, DC. Tickets: $75; $250 for Host Committee VIP Pass. Another ball for the peeps, yeah!
01/17/09 - International Inaugural Ball – L’Enfant Plaza Hotel. Tickets: $12, a real bargain. A ball featuring Project Runway’s Korto Momulu presented by WHUR 96.3FM, Inner Caucus Entertainment Inc, HiddenBeach Recordings & KnockBoyz Productions. Sure to be a high-brow event.
01/17/09 The Green Inaugural Ball: Maximum Celebration, Minimum Impact – Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium. Tickets: $500 gets you organic food and earth-friendly linens and serviceware. (Does that mean rental dishes and serviceware and not paper plates and plastic serviceware?)
01/17/09 H.O.P.E. Inaugural Youth Ball – The Trinity Center at Trinity University. Tickets: $77.50 (because $77 wasn’t enough to cover costs and $78 was price gouging.)
01/17/09 Obamarama Pre-Inaugural Party – DC Blues Society. Tickets: Members $10, Nonmembers $12, $15 at the door. Called "OBAMARAMA" because it so evokes the blues-y jazz, Rhythm & Blues and Soul music to be featured at the event.
01/18/09 "2 Degrees of Separation" Champagne Brunch –Fairmont Washington Hotel Georgetown. Tickets: $85. Will Kevin Bacon be there?
01/18/09 Aloha Inaugural Ball –Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. Tickets: $300. Former Obama campaign workers, island entertainers and hula dancers? I’m there!
01/18/09 The Inaugural Soiree – The Hudson Restaurant and Lounge. Tickets: $150. Soiree, is that fancy pants for highfalutin ball?
01/18/09 The People's Inaugural LGBT Gayla – The Historical Society of Washington, DC. Tickets: $75; $250 for Host Committee VIP Pass. An Inaugural Gayla for MY peeps. We can’t just call it an “Inaugural Ball”, it’s got to be an “Inaugural Gayla”.
Two events with Chuck Brown, Godfather of Go-Go:
01/18/09 Welcome to DC Inaugural Celebration – The Historic Bohemian Caverns. Tickets: $60-75. All-star musical tribute to Marvin Gaye hosted by “The Godfather of Go-Go Chuck Brown.” I did not know “GO-GO” had a Godfather.
01/20/09 Inaugural DC Ball – The Old Post Office Pavilion. “Inaugural DC Ball is brought to you by the producers of the Barbecue Battle event, held annually in DC. Benefiting the Metropolitan Police Boys & Girls Clubs, the Inaugural DC Ball will feature DC's very own Chuck Brown, Godfather of Go-Go, along with guest DJs and a special guest host.” Again with the Godfather of “GO-GO”. What is “GO-GO” anyway?
01/19/09 Land of Lincoln Inaugural Gala (Illinois State Society) –Renaissance Washington DC Hotel. Tickets: $400 for reception/dinner/gala, $200 for gala only. The theme is “Illinois Heroes”. Somehow I don't think they'll be mentioning Blagojevich.
01/19/09 Pearl Gala –Mandarin Oriental, Washington DC Hotel. Tickets: SOLD OUT. “Guests are also invited to attend a morning conference about voting results, the political appointment process and the legislative issues for the next Congress.” Because as we all know, none of the guests will know anything about “voting results” and “the political appointment process” and “legislative issues”.
01/19/09 Yes We Did! Celebration –Washington Plaza Hotel. Tickets: $150. Which begs the question, are the Republicans planning a “No, We Di’int! Celebration”?
01/19/09 Young and Powerful Black Tie Gala and Awards Ceremony – L'Enfant Plaza Hotel. Tickets: $125, includes open bar from 8pm - 9pm, heavy Hors D'oeuvres and live music. What exactly are “heavy Hors D’oeuvres”?
01/20/09 MTV's Be the Change Inaugural Ball – Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center. An Inaugural Ball for a Democrat at the Ronald Reagan Building, I guess MTV pulled some strings.
01/20/09 Human Rights Campaign Equality Ball – Renaissance M Street Hotel. Guests to include Melissa Etheridge, Rufus Wainwright and Cyndi Lauper. Another event for MY peeps.
01/20/09 Inaugural Purple Ball (Eracism Foundation) – The Fairmont Washington, DC Hotel. “Guests will enjoy fine champagne and cuisine served in a purple velvet-draped ballroom; the host committee includes notable names like Amy Brenneman, Ashley Judd, Brad Silberling, Josh Lucas, Kate Walsh and Patricia Arquette.” As opposed to ‘not fine’ champagne? Purple velvet-draped ballroom? Will Prince

01/20/09 Inaugural Peace Ball – Smithsonian Postal Museum. Tickets: SOLD OUT. Harry Belafonte guest hosts the ball, which will be “the largest gathering of peace activists in Washington on Inauguration Day without a protest.” A gathering of peace activists without a protest?
Lola's Diner
So nice to meet you Lola. I am a friend (IRL) of Harriet's. I am going to start dropping EC on you and am signing up to be a follower!
I really enjoy Lola's Diner but was really surprised to read that you don't know what Go-Go is.
Someone as hip and tuned in as you must experience Go-Go for yourself to understand the true nature of Go-Go Music and the Go-Go scene. Chuck Brown is performing at the Inaugural DC Ball on Jan. 20 for the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. Check out . Chuck is the man responsible for Go-Go Music and the Go-Go Scene. Go-Go is a driving beat that grabs you and wont let you go, You have to Go-Go with the rhythm. It is one of the best feeling you can have on a dance floor. Opening for Chuck are the Clones of Funk.
If you are in DC for the Inaugural, you must come to the Inaugural DC Ball to see what you've been missing. If not for yourself, then for your readers.
Also don't forget the feel good event of Inauguration...Wonderfull...a celebration of Barack, Dr. King, and Stevie Wonder....all Stevie Wonder music all night long. Bobbito and DJ Spinna!
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