"Kentucky's anti-gay adoption ban, Senate Bill 68, got pushed through committee late last week without so much as a single witness brought in to testify against it. The Kentucky bill will likely be voted on in the full Senate tomorrow.
Live in Kentucky?
Call the Legislative Message Line at 1-800-372-7181 right now. Leave messages for your Senator (find yours here) and Senate Leadership (find them here) saying you oppose SB 68.
Contribute to the Fairness Campaign and Kentucky Fairness Alliance, the lead state organizations opposing SB 68. These two organizations are taking aggressive action to stop the bill, including a rally at the Capitol tomorrow.
Don't live in Kentucky?
First, contact everyone you know in Kentucky. Call and tell them to dial the Legislative Message Line at 1-800-372-7181 following the instructions above.
Second, tell everyone else you know. You may not have a strong network in Kentucky, but your neighbor might. Tell them about the 7,027 children in foster care whose chances of finding a loving home will be reduced. Tell them about the 630 foster children who may be removed from their current placements because of SB 68. Tell them about the $5.3 million additional foster and adoption costs Kentucky will face should this bill pass.
Third, contribute to the Fairness Campaign and Kentucky Fairness Alliance. The struggle against anti-gay adoption bans does not begin and end in individual states."
There are just too many children in the foster care system that will miss the opportunity to have a loving family if legislation like this continues to pass. If you live in Kentucky or know someone who does, please get involved to stop SB 68.
Lola's Diner
good information but i never heard of kentucky fairness alliance but have acted as kentucky equality federation has pblished action alerts
dumb....especially when there are so many kids needing homes....
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