Harriet remembers the Hula Hoop @ I Am Harriet - VGNO!. But who remembers the Skip It?
For anyone interested, they still sell Skip It. They are available at ToysRUs.
At first when I brought it up Anastasia gave me a look like I was crazy, but then she remembered it. Since she's a bit younger than I am (hehehe) she had one with the counter. I didn't. Still fun though.
From Ann @ Ann Again...and again - Answer Me This
Do you have a favorite flower? I love, love, love Roses and Bearded Iris's. I really miss the Purple Bearded Iris's I had at my previous house. I really had wanted to divide them before I moved, but moving took up so much time I just couldn't fit it in. However, I absolutely adore the smell of Lilacs. We have Lilac bushes surrounding our front porch and the smell was just wonderful. I just wish they would bloom longer. What about you?
Oh, and in a few minutes I will be editing in a very, very special treat. Get those Margarita's ready girls, because you're going to need them!
Here is Drummer Boy, aka Metallica-head's accompaniment to the Red Hot Chili Peppers "Snow (Hey Oh)". Extra points to me for recognizing the song. Anastasia could not figure it out.
Drummer Boy accompaniment to Red Hot Chili Peppers "Snow (Hey Oh)" from Lola Bece on Vimeo.
Let me say that I recorded this video from my front porch, and that is really how loud it is from my front porch. Actually this was a bit more of a treat than usual. Normally Drummer Boy, aka Metallica-head, does not play the drums to music. Normally he plays solo, the exact same drum riff for hours. For those of you new to the diner, or missed my previous posts, Drummer Boy, aka Metallica-head, plays the drums or electric guitar till well past midnight some nights, some nights as late as 2am. He must have a friend at the sheriff's office because when we call to complain about the late our "noise", nothing happens. At least we know he doesn't have any friends at animal control. Get Off My Lawn/Busted, Get Off My Lawn/Busted Part 2.
Pour me another margarita, it's going to be a long night.
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Lola's Diner
I used to skip it all the time! Maybe why my knees are problematic now?
I love daylillies.
I totally loved my Skip It!
I love lilies.
I had one. They're hard to do. You need a good bra :()
Mr. Linky isn't having the best day today.
I'm just stopping by to thank you for signing up to take the comment challenge this month. And, to rake up more comments on your site.
Ask Anastasia if I can borrow her lawn mower to drive over my iPod.
Happy VGNO.
You know, the word verification can really slow a person down.
I love the bearded iris's also. We had some at our last house and they didn't survive the move. They are so majestic.
Oh my goodness, I wanted a Skip It so bad and my mom thought they were stupid and wouldn't get me one!!! Too funny, I haven't thought about those silly things is eons! Happy VGNO, and thanks for the smile!
My little sister was the lucky recipient of a Skip It. She loved that toy. I'm going to have to forward this commercial to her for a good laugh.
Have a great VGNO!
not enough coordination for a skip it, or a hula hoop or double dutch for that matter. I could hop scotch though. :) Happy VGNO
Dang! I don't remember the Skip It. I must be too old. I do have a jump rope with a calorie counter in the handle.
Metallica-Head sounds pretty talented. You're a patient mom!
Oh my gosh! Skip it! Memories!!!
I love any flowers that are orange! ;)
I was deprived of skip its..we just had a good ol jump rope but I did used to double dutch. Good times!
Happy VGNO and pour me a Margarita!
I remember the skip it really well. My kids actually got one last year from Jump Rope for Heart.
Have a great night.
They actually still make the skip-it. My daughter's school has them for the kids to use if they want at recess.
I love roses the best. Have a great nigh. Happy VGNO!
Brookster has a skip-it and loves it. Hers counts the number of skips.
Happy VGNO.
I must be old. Those didn't come around until right after I passed that age. As far as the drummer...at least it's not nighttime. My brother was a drummer...and he drummed all the time. Yep...we were those people. Oh, and my other bro played electric guitar.
I had a yellow skip it. Happy VGNO!
I remember the skip it! haha, happy VGNO =)
TOTALLY remember the Skip It, or some version of it.
Good times, good times!
You've got yourself a new follower Lola!
Skip its were fun! Happy VGNO.
I had a lemon skip-it. Then a few years ago I bought a new-fangled one for my daughter... it's got a (break your ankle) heavy hard plastic thing on the end that looks like Master's space pod from the opening credits of I Dream of Jeannie, with a super-long streamer coming out the end of it... yeah, and here's the mortifying part... when I tried to show her how to skip-it, I couldn't do it anymore... How embarrassing. I lost my skip, and now I can't do it! lol
I remember the skip it,probably have on in the Attic,everything I've ever own in up there.LoL we use to play in the drive way.
So glad the boys around hear aren't avid drummers. Listen to the video, It would drive me crazy to set on the front porch with all the noise.
Now to the out side sounds, where on earth is that snake sound coming from? At first I thought it was a snake,then a sprinkler. I got to thinking I did not think you would be out there with a snake,LOL. So, is must be a sprinkler:-)
AS for the margarita, I am in! Love those... just not on the porch with the Drummer boy playing to I just could guess. he was so loud one could not hear the song,lol.
well now I have posted one more than Harriet, she's one tough cookie,LOL
I want to tell you it looks like you have a wonderful yard, front and back. From your garden site I see the back. Now to see the front. Looks like it will be peaceful,once drummer boy leaves for College,:-0
Stopping by for a Saturday morning VGNO! Hope you are having a great weekend. DD just got a skip-it at the Disney store...now that is something I could do :-) well...at least better than the hula hoop....
i remember the skip it. i even think i had one or had access to one.
the sit and spin, big wheel, click clacks.
those were great times.
I remember the skip its!! Gosh feels so long ago we had them things!! Stopping by from harriets comment challenge
I don't remember the skip it...but I like your blog...thanks for commenting on my blog!
We were cleaning out the garage today and I actually thought of parting with Em's skip it. Didn't though, so feel free to pop on by to use it if you want to reclaim your youth. Yeah, I had one too---back in the day.
I loved Drummer Boy's video today! I was cracking up!! I think it is very nice that this young man practices his instrument so regularly. I wish my son would do that with his trumpet for all the money I spend on lessons and all. Drummer Boy appears to be very serious about his music.
(snicker, snicker) Arrrrrghhhhh! I'd have to KILL him. Love the birds singing above his drumming though.
love the skip it....never knew what it was called. wonder if they still sell them....if not, wonder if we can make some money by getting it on the market again..lol
heya Lola, thanks so much for stopping by, I love your writing style and will definetly come back to visit again :)
Nope I don't remember a skip it. But it looks like fun. I agree though, I would need a very supportive bra to have a go these days.
I enjoyed reading your blog today.
I am still finding my way around blogland....
I always love making new friends..
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I had a skip it, too! I loved it!
Happy VGNO!
OK, I'm late
Wow, I had totally forgotten about those skip its. They were such fun!
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