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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter Everyone!

Happy Easter from 1965!
 Guess which one is me!
We're kind of low key on Easter.  As long as we've got colored eggs, a spiral ham and Pineapple Upside Down cake, we're good.

This year is a bit more challenging...what with my son's allergy to Gluten.  But I'll make it work.  He specifically asked me if I was going to make Pineapple Upside Down Cake, so I can't disappoint.  I swear I've seen Gluten Free Yellow Cake mix in the stores, but, I shopped to late...yesterday!  So I'll be working with a Gluten Free White Cake mix and possibly some yellow food coloring, and hoping for the best.  Lol!

I hope everyone has a Happy Easter!
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