We’ve got major drama going on, just because my ex friend, Liane, who is my sister-in-law’s fiancĂ©, got caught in a lie and then continued to lie. I called her out on it.
Liane said, and I quote “Pneumonia is Covid-19”. She said this to my wife and posted it on Facebook with an article attached, which she obviously didn’t read, that actually proved she was wrong! I called her out on Facebook, attaching an article from Harvard that stated that there is a Covid-19 acquired Pneumonia. NOT that pneumonia is Covid-19. This is the article I posted.
Liane was over Friday or Saturday to drop some things off for my wife. On her way walking off the porch she said “Pneumonia is Covid-19”. She said this because my daughter and I both have pneumonia. My daughter’s is much worse because she has uncontrolled asthma. In any event she later posted on Facebook that “Pneumonia is Covid-19”.
Since my daughter and I both have pneumonia I was not going to just let that messed up falsehood stand unchallenged. Liane got all bent out of shape because I called her out on her lie. I didn’t say she lied, I simply stated facts. So Liane calls my wife, basically telling my wife to get control of me, her wife, and take down what I posted. I edited it to remove her name, but the post is still on Facebook.
So for days my wife has been taking calls from Liane, and her sister. Liane told my sister-in-law that I must reply to her message on Messenger, take down my post, and apologize to her. No I don’t, and none of that is going to happen. I have known Liane since 2010, longer than my wife and her sister. I know from past dealings with Liane that when she insists she’s right about something (and the facts prove her wrong) that I just shouldn’t bother to engage her. I told my wife that Liane can go pound sand. (I love that phrase. My Dad used it.). I will not discuss it, nor will I apologize. So yesterday I found that Liane unfriended me on Facebook. This is at least the 5th time she’s done it, because I refuse to allow her to control me, my mouth, or my Facebook posts. Sometime Monday Liane unfriended my wife because my wife couldn’t get control of me. Seriously!
So, all day Monday my wife was fielding calls and texts from Liane and my sister-in-law. The last call ended with my wife telling her sister that she has nothing further to say to her because she won’t acknowledge Liane’s lie, and won’t even discuss it with Liane. My wife isn’t all that happy cutting off her sister, but it won’t be forever. They’ve had words before that ended with ‘I’m done talking to you’ and they end up speaking sometime after.
I really have to give my wife credit for defending me throughout this nonsense. My wife was angry about Liane’s lie, but she didn’t know how to handle it. I do. And I did. I’m not afraid of Liane and have gone through long periods of no contact because of the way she’s treated me in the past. Liane hasn’t been my friend for years because of the way she treated me. She would make plans, get a better offer, then ghost me. She would never call or text me to let me know our plans were off, that she couldn’t make it. I’d rather have no friends (and I currently have none) than allow myself to continually be treated like that. It’s rude, disrespectful, and cruel. Too many nights I waited for plans that were never canceled, yet the plans didn’t happen.
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