Wednesday. Multiple stressers goin on.
1. I applied for both kids to go off my record for their benefits. I got a letter today saying funds will no longer be sent to my son’s financial institution.
2. My daughter told me that the big laundry basket of craft supplies and snacks I brought for ALL clients at my daughter’s group home the day before Memorial Day, were used by staff for bingo prizes and several clients never got anything the I bought for ALL of them.
2. My daughter informed me that the team lead told the ladies she was not bringing over special food and activities for the 4th of July. Those ladies have been sheltering in for over 100 days. They can’t leave to go to a party, or anywhere for that matter and the team lead said she wasn’t doing anything.
3. My daughter told me there was no bottled water on the 2nd floor, no fresh vegetables and only apples for fruit. The freezer contains highly processed packaged frozen meals...Hot Pockets, Burritos, Encor and Stouffers meals. All the ladies can cook so why are the staff buying garbage food?
I emailed the Director and Asst Director about all 3 items above.
3rd PT day I’m a row. It’s like when I scheduled my appointments with a therapist I had been suddenly struck stupid. Why did I schedule 3 days in a row?
Lola’s Diner cc. 2008-2020