Monday, July 12, 2010

Sprucing Up...

Being a homeowner there are always things to do around the home. Some need immediate attention, others, well, it would be nice to give attention. I think the longer you live in a home, the more you think about making some improvements, or maybe just a few decorating changes.

I recently purchased drapes for my daughters room. Now that's a challenge! She's a teen, so you know her color palette is umm, how shall we say? A bit wild. Her colors are bright pink, purple, and lime green. I managed to find the perfect curtains to go with that scheme. Bright pink and purple. Each window has a panel of each. She's ecstatic!

So now I'm about to do something for the rest of our home. I can't believe I haven't done something about this sooner, especially since it's my domain...the kitchen. Since I moved in the lighting has been 2 fixtures which are just a simple light bulb. Yup! That's it! (Ok, so it looks a bit fancier because I'm using the new compact fluorescent bulbs.) See for yourself:

Every other fixture in the house is either a ceiling fan, or a nice decorative gold-tone fixture. The fixtures in the kitchen seem to have been forgotten when the previous owners remodeled.

So, my question is this, do you have any suggestions for the fixtures in my kitchen? I'd like to have your input.

Lola's Diner©2008-2010


tahtimbo said...

You could turn them into recessed lights, which would also brighten the kitchen. If you don't want to do that, you might get some fixtures that have a diffusers on them.

Jen said...

Depends on how high the ceilings are. I'd get the kind that are mounted to the ceiling, not the hanging kind, they usually have three bulbs per light which make the kitchen nice a bright. Recessed lighting is great but it's a messy job, though worth it in the end.

Mom's Cafe Home Cooking said...

I have a ceiling fan in the kitchen that uses 3 CFL bulbs. I love having a ceiling fan in the kitchen! Plus using CFL bulbs I don't have to feel guilty having them on a bit more when needed.

Lin said...

I don't know, but that lone lightbulb hanging there is crazy, Lola! It's Girlie, you need a fixture of some sort!

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