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Monday, February 24, 2020

Can’t a Matriarch Get A Break?

Ok, I agree, matriarch is overly dramatic and a bit much, but I do feel like the head of a family or tribe could actually be more accurate. 

Everyone comes to me with their complaints about anything and everything. My daughter complains about her housemates, her day program, her co-workers, the customers at her job. 

My son complains, mostly about the things his sister complained to me about, so I get hit twice with the same complaints. Oh, and then there are the trips in the way back machine that often require decoding. Is it a real memory? Why did he bring up that memory, and so on. The latest is, one of his friends announced on Facebook late last year that my son died. I have asked my son to have whoever has seen this to send him a screenshot. So far, no screenshot. So, not real/confused thought? I don’t know, but I do know that the supposed friend who is alleged to have reported my son’s death is a big enough ashhole to do it.

My spouse’s complaint today was how her younger  sister locked her keys in their Dad’s truck and wanted my spouse to come save her. How? We don’t have keys. Then her fiancé is calling my spouse and hanging up because she is angry that my spouse won’t go help. Then her little sister is complaining why can’t my spouse help since we have 3 vehicles. First of all, the fact that we have 3 vehicles is none of her business. Second, I decide what vehicles get driven because they belong to ME. Third of all, if my spouse says no, it means NO, there is no call for belittling her and accusing her of lying. Then her little sister tells her that her fiancé is “done helping us.” Really? REALLY? Is helping bringing over a 1/2 bag of food pantry cast offs they don’t want, that includes a box of open cereal and cream of soups that we don’t eat and some off brand mac n cheese? Other than that, she brought me a gas can with very little gas in it when I ran out of gas on I80. Then, because she got so little gas I ran out again on the off ramp. Did I mention this was about 8 years ago? YES, it was 8 years ago. She can take her “help” and fork off. Her little sister’s fiancé has been a pain in my ash for almost 10 years. When she was supposedly my friend, all the making plans with me and ditching me for better plans and not bothering to tell me. This happened so many times I can’t count. Then there was the year that she told my spouse she would throw me a birthday party, do the invites, the food, etc, so my spouse didn’t need to do anything, her little sister’s fiancé would take care of it all. In fact, she did nothing, no invites, no food, no nothing. My spouse and I spent the night alone, thinking at some point we would get a call. NOTHING. 

I am not everyone’s complaint bin. I’m done! I’ve gently told my daughter several times that I don’t want to hear about the bad stuff and the stuff that has nothing to do with her or anyone in our immediate family. Tell me some good stuff. She doesn’t need to dwell on these complaints in the first place. Most of the time they have nothing to do with her. I need to work on this more with my daughter. 

I am overwhelmed as it is. The new mortgage company harasses me almost daily, sometimes twice in a day. My electric bill was $467 last month because of the space heaters. My kids are again, both, in contact with their dad. This is more stress for me because the kids act up, and/or de compensate when he is in contact with them.

I swear if I hear one more negative thing or complaint from my spouse’s little sister and/or her fiancé, I’m going to need bail money. I’m not capable of a physical fight, but I still have a mouth and I can shoot it off LOUD enough and long enough for there to be a problem.

I want to run away from home.

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020

1 comment:

Lin said...

WAY too much drama. You have to cut these people off the second they start. The more you engage, the more it continues. They all sound nuts!

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