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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Day 66, 67 of Sheltering In

Tuesday, Wednesday.

Tuesday I left a message for my PCP. His assistant called just after they closed. I missed the call because my son wouldn’t answer my phone. I couldn’t get to it and he was within arms reach, but he still wouldn’t answer it. Wtfork? He ended up handing it to me when it stopped ringing. Couldn’t call back because they were closed.

Wednesday. Called PCP, got Televisit for late morning. Keep in mind we just had one May 19th. His first sentence was “Wow, you don’t look good, how are you doing?” Went through my list of symptoms and then he asked a few questions and said he was sending an order over to the hospital for coronavirus testing. He said to call central scheduling in a 1/2 hour or longer to give them time to get the order. I have an appointment late this afternoon. I was told they usually have results in 24 hours, but may take as long as 48. What’s disturbing is they set up the coronavirus testing at the Cancer Care entrance. Of all the entrances they have, they pick that. 

So I’m on isolation until the test results come back. I’ve been complaining I can’t have a minute to myself lately, now I’ve got a couple days. Not the way I’d like to have time to myself. 

This morning I tried getting up several times, but ended up going back to bed. I feel like I’ve been hit by a Mack truck. I’m betting I don’t have the coronavirus, more than likely it’s the flu. I did get a flu shot, but that doesn’t protect against every strain.

Here’s hoping I draw the short swab. Lol! It seems from what I’ve read that they are using the shorter swab.

I’m having a nap now. 🤞🙏🏻

UPDATE:  Went and had the test. The swab wasn’t super long, but it wasn’t short either. They jam that thing up and into China and twist for a count of 10. Then they do the same on the other nostril. The person who did my test gave me a tissue for, you know, in case I tear up. I didn’t, but I image it could bring some to tears. I did feel like I needed to sneeze after the first nostril and wow, did she back away. I wasn’t trying to be funny, it tickled way up there and for a couple minutes I felt like I was going to sneeze. I didn’t. But I did give fair warning in case I did. My nostrils still feel violated. Not saying it to be funny. For realz. I have congestion and if I pinch near the bridge of my nose it still feels weird inside. All in all, it wasn’t that bad. Definitely not as bad as getting my nasal passages scoped at the ear eye and throat doctor.

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020

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