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Thursday, June 4, 2020

Days 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 of Sheltering In

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. I don’t even know what day it is.

I’ve been preoccupied with the protests, rioting. and looting happening all around me.

I don’t even remember what I did on Saturday.

Sunday my son and I went to Jewel. I usually don’t shop there because they are the most expensive grocery, behind Mariano’s. What is with my wife! Every single time I go to a grocery store I ask before I leave if there is something we need to add to my list, or something she wants. ‘No....I can’t think of anything.’ I tell her to text me if she thinks of a anything. Every single time I am either waiting in line at the checkout, or I just finished paying, or we are on our way to the car, in the car, or driving home. One time she texted me additional items when I pulled into my driveway. 

Sunday was weird. Protests in surrounding areas, looting, a ridonkulous amount of reports of suspicious vehicles with black occupants. Different vehicles, number of people in the car. My wife and I were listening on a scanner app on our iPhones. 

Residents in J Town are calling for removal of their mayor who was involved in an altercation with a young black man. The mayor grabbed him and pulled him over to a group of police who then started to beat the snot out of him. The guy was lying on the pavement and didn’t appear to be resisting arrest. They punched his torso area repeatedly. Then the young man’s brother walked up and they threw him on the ground and started to beat the snot out of him. Both young men were hospitalized. I don’t care what that young man said to the mayor, or maybe he didn’t say anything, and the mayor grabs him, throws him to the ground and lets the cops beat him and then his brother. That was not appropriate behavior on the part of the mayor or the police officers.

Monday was phone call day. Calling to verify my orthopedic doctor takes my insurance, then finding I need referrals. So the receptionist canceled both of my appointments. Target store barricaded their entrance.

They closed early on Monday and didn’t open on Tuesday.

Monday night was scary. More listening to the scanner app. Either Sunday or Monday we locked up the house early and set the alarm, closed the blinds and drapes and kept the lights off. From somewhere close by, we hear popping noises. I said fireworks while protesting? My wife said, no, those are gunshots. It was like a bad horror movie from the ‘60’s.

Tuesday I ran to the newest CVS here because the one in Target was closed for the day. I ran out of one of my diabetes medications so I had to have it transferred. My referral was approved and new appointments for my knee and shoulders were made. 

Wednesday called the CVS in Target early to ask when they would have ALL my prescriptions filled. New insurance, I can get them all filled on 1 day and I’ll have less trips to CVS! And except for my pain medication and insulin pens, all were 90 day prescriptions. (I had to get a new glucose meter. I just got a new one last year. It didn’t cost me anything, the point is, that it’s wasteful. I was able to pass on my previous meters and supplies to my sister because she is too cheap to buy them and her insurance is crappy.

Dreading Thursday. There is a protest scheduled in The Commons. It’s less than 2 miles from my house. We will be locked down all day and not leaving. Friday J Town is having a protest very near my daughter’s group home, and it’s on our usual route to go there. So, no porch drop on Friday.

My daughter is having a rough time. Nutjob housemate is off her nut, waking up the 2nd floor at 2am screaming and pounding on doors. I told my daughter “headphones”. She can listen to music or a movie in her portable DVD player. Drown out the Nutjob. It does no good for her to report it to staff because they won’t do anything about it. We’ve been using FaceTime more. I can see in her face the stress, the depression. It’s all because Nutjob is acting up. 

Oh, in case you didn’t notice the time this was posted...I have insomnia. For days I have been up until 3 or 4am. 🥱

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020

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