Wednesday, February 13, 2019

You take the good you take the bad...I’m needing more good

Turns out that nasty looking twisted metal was a brake dust shield and it does not need to be replaced. Our mechanic made sure he removed it entirely.

The power steering leak was because a clamp broke. So our mechanic just to replaced the clamp.

Total cost $ 0.00. My spouse asked why, because he obviously did work on the car. He replied “Can’t I do something nice?” I’ll be looking for a way to pay it forward. 

We recommend him to all our peeps in the area.

Some bad news though. We’ve been putting off replacing the drivetrain, because of the cost. Turns out there will be no long car trips in our future. We need to replace it soon. The parts are hard to come by, I had him search last year and the couple that he ordered arrived damaged. So it looks like we will have another BIG car expense in March. 

My daughter will have to reschedule her far away doctor appointment. The “referral department” didn’t process the referral, so now they will have plenty of time. I was going to spend tomorrow on the phone trying to get it taken care of, but now I don’t need to. I can continue working on our taxes. I’m in far enough that I usually have a good feeling about the end result. Yesterday I wanted to 🤮! No joke. I’m hoping as I dig further in I will find a silver lining. I did a quick and dirty (accounting speak) calculation on the IRS website, thinking I entered something wrong, or there was a glitch. Nope.

My daughter wanted to rent a car like we did for her last appointment at this doctor. My car was IN the shop then, and there was some other reason we had to have a car. I laughed. I tried to stifle it, but part of it came out. She really has no concept of how much things cost.

Found out some other bad news too.

I really need to catch a break. I need to find some fun, some joy.

Lola’s Diner cc. 2008-2019

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