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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Day 17, 18, 19 of Sheltering In

The days are all running together. 

Day 17 I stayed off the phone, gathered documents  and just chilled. My sister went back to her day job. Apparently the sewing department was making masks last week. She sent me a photo.

That’s way too big, wrong fabric, and just wrong! It is supposed to fit tightly at the nose, cheeks, chin and it’s supposed to be 100% cotton. That looks like fleece or sweatshirt material. (Actually, it kind of looks like a bra cup, D, maybe?) My sister says the sewing department is making different ones. I sent her a photo of what mine look like. Mine have a pipe cleaner sewn into the top so it can be pinched to fit snuggly, and 3 pleats so it can be pulled down to get a snug fit below the chin.

Hopefully they will make them properly. (She works at a flag company, so they have an entire floor of people sewing flags.)

Day 18 I was on the phone and Internet most of the day. My wonderful, fabulous, go the extra mile pharmacist found a bridge program so I could get my insulin for $3.90 and a pain med for $1.30. She said the program is month to month, so if it takes longer for my paperwork to get processed, I can do it again next month. By early evening I was having serious back pain and spasms. I ended up having pain meds and a nap with multiple ice packs and a late dinner. 

Day 19 I woke up with serious back pain, so today I chilled. Literally...with fresh ice packs. So supposedly on Sunday there was a meeting at my daughter’s group home about the nutjob. Lines were drawn in the sand. Monday and Tuesday those lines were erased. Why bother? The first rule, or whatever you want to call it was that if nutjob left the house or had a fall she would go back to the nursing home, never to return to the group home my daughter lives in. Second was, if nutjob bullied any client or staff, nutjob would be removed and transferred to a different group home, never to return to my daughter’s group home. So Monday nutjob ate more than 1/2 of my daughter’s full sheet birthday cake leftovers which my daughter planned on sharing with everyone. My daughter was very upset. It was her birthday cake. For cripe’s sake, my daughter can’t even celebrate with her family and this b***h does that. Nutjob has also been stealing someone’s (not my daughter’s) canned beverages. Also Monday night nutjob had a fall and bumped her head. It was heard on the first floor. Wednesday night nutjob stole the Dish remote from the living room so no one could watch television. Then my daughter and the other housemate were treated to cabinet doors being opened and slammed shut for an extended period. Needless to say absolutely nothing was done. There are new staff who don’t even do what they are supposed to do, let alone do anything to stop nutjob. Nothing was even said to the nutjob about any of her wrong doing and staff made no effort to get the Dish remote returned to the living room. So from the stress of the early evening my daughter’s IBS issues started. I talked to her briefly before we ate dinner and I could tell from her voice she was not feeling well, and not doing well.

I’ve told my daughter to keep trying to reach the director or assistant director regarding the failure to follow through with the promised consequences. If she hasn’t reached either one by late afternoon Thursday I will be sending an email. It seems to be the only way to reach them. I’m not waiting until Friday because they are always in all day meetings in Fridays and I know the weekend will not be good for any housemates if something isn’t done about nutjob by staff, team lead, or ? 

I may or may not go out Thursday. I do have my insulin and pain med to pick up. If I can wait until Friday, I will. Saturday was the only day I got away from the house. That was to porch drop my daughter’s care package and 1 gift. The other gift is apparently touring the US courtesy of Fed Ex. Package was supposed to be delivered last Thursday, then Sunday, then today. FAIL times 3! I was told by the store I ordered it from it would definitely be today. Nope! Now it’s supposed to be Thursday. I doubt it. The package came from San Bernadino, CA, then to Chicago (which is normal), stayed in Chicago Saturday, Sunday, Monday, then took a trip to Indiana, then back to Chicago today. Wtfork?

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020

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