Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Day 108, 109 of Sheltering In

Monday, Tuesday.  Monday was PT. I was actually able to do all the exercises/movements that my therapist asked me to do. I even did a few extra of other ones cuz he was busy with another client. (He had 3 other clients at the same time.) I thought whatever it is I was doing he was going to ask me to do. Nope. Not a single one. So I got some extra exercises/movements done too. I still had to ice up after dinner, but the area that felt injured wasn’t barking. 

Tuesday. No PT today. My daughter texted me that her hairbrush broke. I told her to keep using it without the handle for now. Then later when she called she brought it up again. Then in that same convo she asks me when can I get her stuff and a new hairbrush. 💁🏻‍♀️ We were just over visiting on Sunday. Today is Tuesday. So we just saw each other! She sounded ok, better than yesterday. Tonight my son was with me on the call on speakerphone and we were both goofin’ and cracking up. Cuz that’s what we do. It’s like my son and I have this brain meld or something. If my daughter sounds down, my son looks at me, I nod, and sometimes we just both riff in unison. Other times one of us will whisper or mime what to do. 

Know your audience! For whatever you’re doing or saying...know your audience. My wife’s friend clearly forgot her audience and got into a verbal tussle guessed it...Politics. Just last week this friend was talking about changing parties. Today it was like that convo never happened. It was ‘F the governor, ‘F this party, that ‘F party this, that, and the other and all kinds of praise of the other party. Surprisingly my wife opened up a can of whoop ash and set her straight, as far as her politics. She also chastised her for breaking their politics talk. I have to laugh because I can see them going back and forth on the phone. I can’t believe her friend forgot.

Anyone have Apple AirPods? Is there a certain model or generation that’s better? Is wireless charging really da bomb? Do you have a different brand device that works really well and costs less? (Brand and model please.)

Having a weird day today. As I type this, and you can read some of them above, I keep tacking on oldish idioms. Look there ⬅️ I never use that word. (Goofin’,  brain meld, riff, whoop ash, da bomb.)

I added to my Facebook friends today. SC came up in my “do you know feed”  or whatever it’s called. I knew him mostly from freshman Social Studies. One of a small collection of guys who cut up with me in class, and just happened to move his desk over to peer down my requisite flannel shirt. Not kidding! These class clowns and me being a wannabe just cut it up with them. Let’s see, 8th grade SS, Freshman year, SC, JK, GD, and J? can’t recall his last name. So that’s 5. Two of whom I know are gay, SC and JK. If you think about it it’s kind of funny. Why were those 2 looking down my shirt? Probably trying to figure themselves out. SC has this fabulous Frank Lloyd Wright house. I know because I checked out his page after the last reunion. 

I have paperwork, research, and calls to make, but I’m tired of chasing down the government dude. They all work from home and are supposed to call you back in 24 hours. I know...the holiday. But I did call Thursday and it’s now Wednesday.  Gah!

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020


Lin said...

I have Samsung earbuds and LOVE them! They were much cheaper than the ipod earbuds and the shape is better so they stay in my ears during a workout.

Gosh, I hate politics...but I had to laugh when you said that your wife "set her straight" does that mean that she told her friend to think like herself??

Everything is so political and so volatile these days. Neither "party" fits me and I hate all of our options. Biden's senile, Trump is goofy, Pelosi/Schumer are insane and dangerous, Kanye's there to split the vote...Kamala Harris is a socialist....Criminy, it's freaking scary! Where are the good options?? This country worries the crap out of me!

Lola said...

By setting her straight, I meant, that the 2 of them don’t talk about politics because their views are polar opposites. And she also ticked off a reply to each of her friend’s rants. Although I would have loved to see the back and forth, I would not enjoy the way her friend calls anyone in government office, or anyone not in her party childish, belittling names. It’s one thing to have an intelligent, respectful discourse, it’s quite another to resort to name calling and such.
Sometimes you just have to choose the lesser of 2+ evils. (I say 2+, because in the election there is POTUS and their VPOTUS.)
Kanye is just jumping in to stir the pot, muck things up (that is if he were to actually file the required paperwork in advance of the deadlines), and I’m betting he has an album to promote. Let’s say he doesn’t file the paperwork and people put him in as a “write in candidate”. In most jurisdictions, write in candidates must be registered to have any votes for them counted. If not registered, it’s basically a spoiled ballot for that office and that vote won’t even be counted. I know this from my years as an election judge.

Lin said...

That's crazy....I'm glad you weren't there to hear the conversation. It's a no-win situation for all to discuss politics. I am staying off FB these days--it's just so volatile!

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