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Monday, November 14, 2011

Need Gift Ideas for a teenage girl

Ok, I am at a loss here. I need gift ideas for my teenage daughter. Anyone have any idea, other than clothing?

She's already got the usual stuff, ipod, e-reader, she's even got a sleep machine.

Please post your ideas. Helllpppp!

Lola's Diner ©2008-2011


Lin said...

cologne, boots (they are HUGE this year), fingerless gloves, scarves, itunes gift card, movie gift cards, Teavana teas, charming Charlie gift card, bath & body stuff...

Lola said...

@ Lin - My daughter has enough cologne and body wash probably to last a lifetime, or close to it. She's not a fashionista. Her idea of boots are's boots with thinsulate to keep warm. Her gift ideas are all super expensive stuff...and that's just not happening this year, unfortunately.

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