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Friday, March 20, 2020


Not this kind:

If I had a $1 for each of the convoluted rumors I’ve heard...
I’m not hearing about them from Facebook. 
It’s word of mouth.
I’m not going to perpetuate them.
I get people are home and bored, but this rumor mongering will not end well.

(One of my favorite albums.)
Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020


Lin said...

Everyone is uneasy and scared, so they are looking for some news that might be hope. I think tossing ridiculous rumors out there only makes it worse...shame on people spreading that. I am careful with my words these days...people need assurance, not more fear.

I am most likely going to lose my job...if not today, then in the near future. It is something I cannot control, so I just prepare financially for the blow. What else can I do?

Lolasdiner said...

I too am very careful because of my kids. If we hear a snippet on tv (rare because I don’t watch the news, but they have been doing a lot of teasers before the news), I think I’ve had to do damage control once. Not lying, just reiterating the importance of hand washing and not touching your face.
Sorry to hear about your job. Most of the people I know are out working because they work in a “Critical Infrastructure” job. Meaning grocery, vet office, group home staff.

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